Tonino Guerra

Tonino Guerra

Tonino Guerra (born 16 March 1920) is an Italian poet, writer and screenwriter who has collaborated with some of the most prominent writers of the world.

Guerra was born in Santarcangelo di Romagna.

Descendant of Cesare Zavattini, the screenwriter who essentially defined the style and morals of Italian neorealism, Guerra deviates from his great mentor: while Zavattini brought the directors with whom he collaborated over to his own social and moral speculation, Guerra goes to the filmmakers and helps them advance their own concept.

Tonino Guerra has worked with filmmakers who have different aesthetic, social, political and cinematic identities. These include Michelangelo Antonioni with "L'avventura", "La notte", "L'eclisse", "The Red Desert", "Blowup", "Zabriskie Point" and "Identification of a Woman", Federico Fellini with "Amarcord", Theo Angelopoulos with "Landscapes in the Mist", "Eternity and a Day" and "The Weeping Meadow", Andrei Tarkovsky with "Nostalghia" and Francesco Rosi with the militant politics of "The Mattei Affair", "Lucky Luciano" and "Exquisite Corpses".

elected filmography

*"L'avventura" (1960)
*"La notte" (1961)
*"L'eclisse" (1962)
*"The Red Desert" (1964)
*"Blowup" (1967)
*"In Search of Gregory" (1969)
*"Zabriskie Point" (1970)
*"The Mattei Affair" (1972)
*"Lucky Luciano" (1973)
*"Amarcord" (1973)
*"Illustrious Corpses" (1976)
*"The Night of the Shooting Stars" (1981)
*"Identification of a Woman" (1982)
*"Voyage in Time" (1983)
*"Nostalghia" (1983)
*"And the Ship Sails On" (1983)
*"Voyage to Cythera" (1984)
*"Ginger and Fred" (1985)
*"The Beekeeper" (1986)
*"Chronicle of a Death Foretold" (1987)
*"Landscape in the Mist" (1988)
*"The Suspended Step of the Stork" (1991)
*"Eternity and a Day" (1998)

External links


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