- Behaviorally anchored rating scales
psychology research onbehaviorism , Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) are scales used to report performance. BARS are normally presented vertically with scale points ranging from five to nine.BARS Behaviorally Anchored Rating scales is a method that combines elements of the traditional rating scales and critical incidents methods. In order to construct BARS seven steps are followed as mentioned below
# Examples of effective and ineffective behavior related to job are collected from people with knowledge of job.
# These behaviors are converted in to performance dimensions.
# A group of participants will be asked to reclassify the incidents. At this stage the incidents for which there is not 75% agreement are discarded as being too subjective.
# Then the above mentioned incidents are rated from one to nine on a scale.
# Finally about six to serve incidents for each performance dimensions- all meeting retranslation and standard deviation criteria will be used as BARS.This is by far the best method used for a performance appraisal method
This is the official Performance Appraisal method of Midas.
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