Kua Fu

Kua Fu

Kua Fu ( _zh. 夸父) is a giant in Chinese mythology who wished to capture the sun. [cite web|url=http://lib.blcu.edu.cn/per/981/ch/myth/myth.htm|title=Chinese Myth|accessdate=2007-05-25]

One day out of the blue, Kua Fu was perplexed by the Sun's whereabouts at night and decided to chase and catch the Sun. With each stride he gets closer to the Sun, however, he could never catch up to it.

He followed the Sun from the East to the West, draining all rivers and lakes crossing his path as sources of water to quench his burning thirst as he closed in on the star. However, he wasn't able to finish his quest because he died of the extreme heat and exhaustion.

The wooden club he was carrying grew into a vast forest. In modern day Chinese usage, the story of Kua Fu chasing the sun () is used to describe a person who fails to obtain his goal because he greatly overestimates himself.


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