

Conall may refer to the following:




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  • Conall — ist der Name von Conall I. (Conall mac Comgaill; † um 574), von ca. 558 bis ca. 574 König des irisch schottischen Reiches der Dalriada Conall II. († 660), von 650 bis 660 König des iro schottischen Reiches Dalriada Conall Cernach („Conall der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Conall I. — Conall I. (Conall mac Comgaill; † um 574) war von ca. 558 bis ca. 574 König des irisch schottischen Reiches der Dalriada. Conall folgte seinem Bruder (Onkel?) Gabhran auf den Thron. In die Zeit seiner 16 jährigen Herrschaft fällt die Gründung des …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Conall — m Irish and Scottish Gaelic: name composed of Old Celtic elements meaning ‘wolf’ + ‘strong’. This name was borne by many early chieftains and warriors of Ireland, including the Ulster hero Conall Cearnach. Variant: Scottish: Comhnall …   First names dictionary

  • Conall II. — Conall II. Crandomna (* vor 650; † 660) war in den Jahren 650 bis 660 König des iro schottischen Reiches Dalriada. Er war Nachfolger von Ferchar I. und regierte zunächst gemeinsam mit Dúnchad mac Conaing bis zu dessen Tod im Jahr 654. Conalls… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Conall Cernach — (modern spelling: Conall Cearnach) is a hero of the Ulaidh in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He is said to have always slept with the head of a Connachtman under his knee. His epithet is normally translated as victorious or triumphant ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Conall Cra Bhuidhe — or Conall Yellowclaw is a Scottish fairy tale collected by John Francis Campbell in Popular Tales of the West Highlands, listing his informant as James Wilson, blind fiddler in Islay. Joseph Jacobs included it in Celtic Fairy Tales, softening one …   Wikipedia

  • Conall mac Taidg — (died circa 807) (Conall son of Tadc) was a king in Scotland. Very little is recorded of Conall and that unclear. He is mentioned twice by the Irish annals, the most reliable source for the history of northern Britain in the years around 800. He… …   Wikipedia

  • Conall mac Áedáin — was a king in Scotland in the years around 800. It is thought that he was a king, or sub king, in Dál Riata. He is mentioned once in the Annals of Ulster, for 807, when he defeated and killed Conall mac Taidg in Kintyre. Conall is thought to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Conall mac Comgaill — was king of Dál Riata from about 558 until 574. He was a son of Comgall mac Domangairt. It is said that he gave Iona to Saint Columba. The Duan Albanach says that he reigned without dissension , but there is a report of an expedition by Conall… …   Wikipedia

  • Conall Murtagh — Personal information Full name Conall Francis Murtagh Date of birth 29 June 1985 ( …   Wikipedia

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