Anselm Franz von Ingelheim

Anselm Franz von Ingelheim

Anselm Franz of Ingelheim (1622 - 1695) was Archbishop of Mainz from 1679 until his death in 1695.

Anselm became prince-bishop of Mainz on 7 November 1679 and thus was an elector of the Holy Roman Empire. He crowned the empress Eleonore Magdalena, the wife of emperor Leopold I, in 1689 and one year later their son Joseph I, as the King of Hungary.

The sixteen-year reign of Anselm Franz was clouded by the constant effort around peace and neutrality and the devastation of the War of the Grand Alliance, which caused him to live in exile in Aschaffenburg. He died there in 1695.

Anselm Franz of Ingelheim (1683 - 1749) was Bishop of Würzburg from 1746 until his death in 1749.

The Second Pentacle of Jupiter, from the Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis). This was found on the body of Anselm, Bishop of Würzburg, on the night of his death in 1749. He was rumored to be an alchemist. [Idries Shah. The Secret Lore of Magic: Books of the Sorcerors]

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