List of compositions by William Byrd

List of compositions by William Byrd

This is a list of the musical compositions by William Byrd,one of the most celebrated English composers of the Renaissance.

Vocal Works

Masses (c.1592-5)

*Mass for 3 voices (c.1593-4)
*Mass for 4 voices (c.1592-3)
*Mass for 5 voices (c.1594-5)

Latin Motets

Cantiones, quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur (1575)

*Emendemus in melius á 5
*Libera me Domine et pone me á
*Peccantem me quotidie á 5
*Aspice Domine á 6
*Attollite portas á 6
*O lux beata Trinitas á 6
*Laudate pueri Dominum á 6
*Memento homo á 6
*Siderum rector á 5
*Da mihi auxilium á 6
*Domine secundum actum meum á 6
*Diliges Dominum á 8
*Miserere mihi Domine á 6
*Tribue Domine; Te deprecor; Gloria Patri á 6
*Libera me Domine de morte aeterna á 5

Liber primus sacrarum cantionum (Cantiones Sacrae I) (1589)

(all for 5 voices)

*Defecit in dolore - Sed tu Domine
*Domine praestolamur - Veni Domine noli tardare
*O Domine adjuva me
*Tristitia et anxietas - Sed tu Domine
*Memento Domine
*Vide Domine afflictionem - Sed veni Domine
*Deus venerunt gentes - Posuerunt morticinia - Effuderunt sanguinem - Facti sumus opprobium
*Domine tu jurasti
*In resurrectione tua
*Aspice Domine de sede - Respice Domine
*Ne irascaris Domine - Civitas sancti tui
*O quam gloriosum est regnum - Benedictio et claritas
*Tribulationes civitatum - Timor et hebetudo - Nos enim pro peccatis
*Domine secundum multitudinem
*Laetentur coeli - Orietur in diebus

Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum (Cantiones Sacrae II) (1591)

for 5 voices:
*Laudibus in sanctis - Magnificum Domini - Hunc arguta
*Quis est homo - Diverte a malo
*Fac cum servo tuo
*Salve Regina - Et Jesum
*Tribulatio proxima est - Contumelias et terrores
*Domine exaudi orationem - Et non intres in judicium
*Apparebit in finem
*Haec dicit Dominus - Haec dicit Dominus
*Circumdederunt me
*Levemus corda
*Recordare Domine - Quiescat Domine
*Exsurge Domine
*Miserere mei Deus

for 6 voices:
*Descendit de coelis - Et exivit per auream portam
*Domine non sum dignus
*Infelix ego - Quid igitur faciam? - At te igitur
*Afflicti pro peccatis - Ut eruas nos
*Cantate Domino
*Cunctis diebus
*Domine salva nos
*Haec dies

Gradualia: ac cantiones sacrae, liber primus (Gradualia I) (1605)

for 5 voices:

Marian Masses

*Suscepimus Deus
*Sicut audivimus
*Senex puerum portabat
*Nunc dimittis
*Responsum accepit Simeon
*Salve sancta parens
*Virgo Dei genitrix
*Felix es
*Beata es
*Beata viscera
*"Rorate caeli desuper"
*Tollite portas
*Ave Maria
*Ecce Virgo concipiet
*Vultum tuum
*Speciosus forma
*Post partum
*Felix namque
*Alleluia - Ave Maria - Virga Jesse
*Gaude Maria
*Diffusa est gratia
*Gaudeamus omnes
*Assumpta est Maria
*Optimam partem

*Adoramus te Christe (voice + 4 viols)
*Unam petii a Domino
*Plorans plorabit

for 4 voices:

All Saints

*Gaudeamus omnes
*Timete Dominum
*Justorum animae
*Beati mundo corde

Corpus Christi

*Cibavit eos
*Oculi omnium
*Sacerdotes Domini
*Quotiescunque manducabitis
*Ave verum corpus
*O salutaris hostia
*O sacrum convivium
* [Pange lingua] - Nobis datus

Miscellaneous pieces

*Ecce quam bonum
*Christus resurgens
*Visita quaesumus
*Salve Regina
*Alma redemptoris mater
*Ave Regina caelorum
*In manus tuas
*Salve sola Dei genitrix
*Senex puerum portabat
*Hodie beata Virgo Maria
*Deo gratias

for 3 voices:

Marian Antiphons and Hymns

*Quem terra pontus aethera
*O gloriosa Domina
*Memento salutis auctor
*Ave Maris stella
*Regina caeli

Holy Week and Easter

*Alleluia - [Vespere autem sabbathi] Quae lucescit
*Haec dies
*Angelus Domini descendit
*Post dies octo - Mane nobiscum
*Turbarum voces


*Adorna thalamum tuum

Gradualia: seu cantionum sacrarum, liber secundus (Gradualia II) (1607)

for 4 voices:

The Nativity

*Puer natus est nobis
*Viderunt omnes
*Dies sanctificatus
*Tui sunt coeli
*Viderunt omnes
*Hodie Christus natus est
*O admirabile commertium
*O magnum misterium
*Beata Virgo


*Ecce advenit Dominator Dominus
*Reges Tharsis
*Vidimus stellam
*Surge illuminare

Corpus Christi and The Blessed Sacrament

*Ab ortu solis
*Venite comedite
*Alleluia - Cognoverunt discipuli
*Ego sum panis vivus
*O quam suavis
*Jesu nostra redemptio

for 5 voices:


*Haec dies
*Victimae paschali
*Terra tremuit
*Pascha nostrum


*Viri Galilei
*Alleluia - Ascendit Deus
*Dominus in Sina
*Ascendit Deus
*Psallite Domino
*O rex gloriae


*Spiritus Domini
*Alleluia - Emitte spiritum tuum
*Veni sancte spiritus
*Confirma hoc Deus
*Factus est repente
*Veni sancte spiritus
*Non vos relinquam orphanos

for 6 voices:

. Peter & Paul

*Nunc scio vere
*Constitues eos principes
*Solve jubente Deo
*Tu es Petrus
*Hodie Simon Petrus
*Tu es pastor ovium
*Quodcunque ligaveris


*Laudate Dominum
*Venite exultemus

English Music

Psalmes, sonets, & songs of sadnes and pietie (1588)

(all for 5 voices)

* O God give ear and do apply
* Mine eyes with fervency of sprite
* My soul oppressed with care and grief
* How shall a young man prone to ill
* O Lord how long wilt thou forget
* O Lord who in thy sacred tent
* Help Lord for wasted are those men
* Blessed is he that fears the Lord
* Lord in thy wrath
* Even from the depth

Sonnets and Pastorals
* I joy not in no earthly bliss
* Thou Amaryllis dance in green
* Who likes to love let him take heed
* My mind to me a kingdom is
* Where fancy fond for pleasure pleads
* O you that hear this voice
* If women could be fair
* Ambitious love
* What pleasure have great Princes
* As I beheld I saw a herdman wild
* Although the heathen poets
* In fields abroad
* Constant Penelope
* La verginella
* Farewell false love
* The match that's made

Songs of sadness and piety
* Prostrate O Lord I lie
* All as a Sea
* Susanna fair
* If that a sinner's sighs
* Care for thy soul
* Lulla, Lullaby
* Why do I use?

The funeral songs of that honourable Gent., Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight
* Come to me grief for ever
* O that most rare breast

ongs of sundrie natures (1589)

for 3 voices:
* Lord in thy rage
* Right blest are they
* Lord in thy wrath correct me not
* O God which art most merciful
* Lord hear my prayer
* From depth of sin
* Attend mine humble prayer
* Susanna fair
* The nightingale
* When younglings first on Cupid fix their sight - But when by proof
* Upon a summer's day - Then for a boat
* The greedy hawk

for 4 voices:
* Is Love a boy? - Boy pity me
* Wounded I am - Yet of us twain
* From Cytheron the warlike boy is fled - There careless thoughts are freed - If Love be just
* O Lord my God
* While that the sun
* Rejoice rejoice [Chorus of 'From virgin's womb"]
* Cast off all doubtful care [Chorus of "An earthly tree"]

for 5 voices:
* Weeping full sore
* Penelope that longed for the sight
* Compel the hawk
* See those sweet eyes
* When I was otherwise
* When first by force
* I thought that Love had been a boy
* O dear life
* Love would discharge
* From virgin's womb
* Of gold all burnished - Her breath is more sweet

for 6 voices:
* Behold how good a thing - And as the pleasant morning dew
* An earthly tree an heavenly fruit
* Who made thee, Hob, forsake the plough
* And think ye Nymphs to scorn at love - Love is a fit of pleasure
* If in thine heart
* Unto the hills mine eyes I lift
* Christ rising again - Christ is risen again

Psalmes, songs, and sonnets (1611)

for 3 voices:
* The eagle's force
* Of flatt'ring speech
* In winter cold - whereat an ant
* Who looks may leap
* Sing ye to our Lord
* I have been young
* In crystal towers

for 4 voices:
* This sweet and merry month of May
* Let not the sluggish sleep
* A feigned friend
* Awake mine eyes
* Come jolly swains
* What is life or worldly pleasure?
* [Instrumental] Fantazia
* Come let us rejoice unto our Lord

for 5 voices:
* Retire my soul
* Arise Lord into thy rest
* Come woeful Orpheus
* Sing we merrily unto God - Blow up the trumpet
* Crowned with flowers
* Wedded to will is witless
* Make ye joy to God

for 6 voices:
* Have mercy upon me
* [Instrumental] Fantazia
* This day Christ was born
* O God that guides the cheerful sun
* Praise our Lord, all ye Gentiles
* Turn our captivity
* Ah silly soul
* How vain the toils

Keyboard Works

*My Ladye Nevells Booke (1591)
*My Ladye Nevells Grownde
*Qui Passe; for my Ladye Nevell
*The Marche before the Battell
*The Battell: The souldiers sommons; The marche of footemen; The marche of horsmen; The trumpetts; The Irishe marche; The bagpipe and the drone; The flute and the droome; The marche to the fighte; The retreat
*The Galliarde for the Victorie
*The Barleye Breake
*A Galliards Gygge
*The Huntes upp
*Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La
*The Firste Pavian
*The Galliarde to the Firste Pavian
*The Seconde Pavian
*The Galliarde to the Seconde Pavian
*The Third Pavian
*The Galliarde to the Third Pavian
*The Fourth Pavian
*The Galliarde to the Fourth Pavian
*The Fifte Pavian
*The Galliarde to the Fifte Pavian
*Pavana the Sixte; Kinbrugh Goodd
*The Galliarde to the Sixte Pavian
*The Seventh Pavian
*The Eighte Pavian
*The Passinge Mesures; the Nynthe Pavian
*The Galliarde to the Nynthe Pavian
*A Voluntarie; for my Ladye Nevell
*Will Yow Walke the Woods soe Wylde
*The Maidens Songe
*A Lesson of Voluntarie
*The Second Grownde
*Have With Yow to Walsingame
*All in a Garden Grine
*Lord Willobies Welcome Home
*The Carmans Whistle
*Hughe Ashtons Grownde
*A Fancie
*Sellingers Rownde
*Munsers Almaine
*The Tennthe Pavian; Mr. W. Peter
*The Galliarde to the Tennthe Pavian
*A Fancie
*A Voluntarie


Lost or fragmentary works

*Ad punctum in modico á 2 (BB) - Fragmentary
*Ah, youthful years - Fragmentary
*Behold, how good - Fragmentary
*Cease Cares - Fragmentary
*Depart ye furies - Fragmentary
*Litany á 4 (SATB) - Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
*If trickling tears - Fragmentary
*In tower most high - Fragmentary
*I will give laud - Fragmentary
*Jubilate Deo, omnis terra - Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
*Look and bow down - Fragmentary
*Oh happy thrice - Fragmentary
*O trifling days - Fragmentary
*Preces Deo fundamus - Fragmentary
*Service in F - Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
*Sponsus amat sponsam á 2 (ST) - Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
*What wights are these? - Fragmentary
*While that a cruel fire - Fragmentary
*With sighs and teares - Fragmentary

Works believed to be by Byrd

*Ave regina caelorum á 5 (ATTBarB) - Claimed to be by "Mr Byrde" in the Paston Lute Book, however the editors of the Tudor Church Music Book attributed the work to John Taverner

Joint Commissions

*In exitu Israel á 4 (SSAT) - A joint work with John Sheppard and William Mundy

External links

*Free scores by [ William Byrd] in the Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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