Amrita Bazar Patrika

Amrita Bazar Patrika

"Amrita Bazar Patrika" was the oldest newspaper in India cite news |first= Subhrangshu|last= Gupta|authorlink= |author= |coauthors= |title= Amrita Bazar Patrika may be relaunched|url=|work= The Tribune|publisher= |date= 2 January, 2003|accessdate=2006-12-28 ] . It debuted on 20 February, 1868. It was an English daily newspaper published from Kolkata and other locations such as Cuttack, Ranchi and Allahabad [ [ Registrar of Newspapers for India] ] .

Amrita Bazar Patrika which used to be a nationalist newspaper during the British rule, discontinued its publication from 1986. Recently it was announced that the newspaper would be relaunched. cite news |first= Subhrangshu|last= Gupta|authorlink= |author= |coauthors= |title= Amrita Bazar Patrika may be relaunched|url=|work= The Tribune|publisher= |date= 2 January, 2003|accessdate=2006-12-28 ]


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