Félix Dujardin

Félix Dujardin

Infobox Scientist
name = Félix Dujardin
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image_width =150px
caption = Félix Dujardin
birth_date = April 5, 1802
birth_place =
death_date = April 8, 1860
death_place =
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citizenship =
nationality = French
ethnicity =
field = Biology
work_institutions =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for =protozoans
author_abbrev_bot =
author_abbrev_zoo =
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Félix Dujardin (April 5, 1802 - April 8, 1860) was a French biologist who was a professor at Toulouse and Rennes, and known for his study of protozoans and other invertebrates. He became a member of the French "Académie des sciences" later in life. Concerning his educational background, Dujardin was largely self-taught.

Dujardin is primarily known for his work with microscopic animal life, and in 1834 proposed that a new group of one-celled organisms be called "Rhizopoda"; meaning "root-foot. This name was later changed to Protozoa. He refuted naturalist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg's (1795–1876) concept that microscopic organisms are "complete organisms" similar to higher animals .

In "Foraminifera", he noticed an apparently formless life substance that he named "sarcode"; which was later renamed protoplasm by Hugo von Mohl (1805-1872). Dujardin also did extensive research regarding other invertebrate groups including echinoderms, helminths and cnidarians.

In 1850 cite journal |author=Strausfeld NJ, Hansen L, Li Y, Gomez RS, Ito K |title=Evolution, discovery, and interpretations of arthropod mushroom bodies |journal=Learn. Mem. |volume=5 |issue=1-2 |pages=11–37 |year=1998 |pmid=10454370 |pmc=311242 |doi= |url=http://www.learnmem.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=10454370] he was the first to describe the mushroom bodies, Dujardin, F. 1850. Mémoire sur le système nerveux des insectes. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. 14: 195-206.] key structures in the insects' nervous system.

Written Works:

* "Histoire naturelle des infusoires" (1840)
* "Manuel de l'observateur au microscope" (1842)
* "Histoire naturelle des helminthes" (1844}

The standard author abbreviation Dujard is applied to species he described.


id = PMID:13651265
url= http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/13651265
publication-date=1959 Apr
title= [5 Unrecognized parasitologists.]
issue=Special No

External Sources:

* [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9031392/Felix-Dujardin Encyclopedia Britannica Online]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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