

Kaptabuk is a village and an administrative location in the Lelan division of West Pokot District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya [http://www.worldbank.org/research/povertymaps/kenya/ch5.3.5.pdf] . Nearest towns are Kapenguria (district capital of West Pokot) and Kapsowar (in Marakwet District).

Kaptabuk is the birthplace of Kenyan runner Abraham Chebii.

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  • Abraham Chebii — Abraham Kosgei Chebii (born 23 December 1979 in Kaptabuk, Marakwet District) is a Kenyan runner who specializes in the 5000 metres. His personal best time is 12:52.99 minutes, achieved in June 2003 in Oslo.He graduated from Marakwet High School… …   Wikipedia

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