Bryan Ward-Perkins

Bryan Ward-Perkins

Bryan Ward-Perkins is an archaeologist and historian of the later Roman Empire and early Middle Ages, with a particular focus on the transitional period between those two eras, an historical sub-field also known as Late Antiquity. His published work has focused primarily on the urban and economic history of the Mediterranean and western Europe during Late Antiquity. The son of historian John Bryan Ward-Perkins, he was born and raised in Rome and is currently a fellow of Trinity College, Oxford.

His 2005 book, "The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization", was his attempt to address what he perceives to be an overcorrection in the approaches of modern historiography to late Roman history. Using primarily archaeological evidence, Ward-Perkins takes issue with what he alleges to be the "fashionable" idea that the western Roman Empire did not actually fall but instead experienced a mostly-benign transformation into the Christian kingdoms of medieval Europe. In his contrasting view, "the coming of the Germanic peoples was very unpleasant for the Roman population, and the long-term effects of the dissolution of the empire were dramatic."

Selected bibliography

* "From Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Urban Public Building in Northern and Central Italy AD 300-850." (1984)
* 'The Cities', in "The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. XIII" (337-425), (1998)
* "Why Did The Anglo-Saxons Not Become More British?" ("English Historical Review", June 2000)
* "The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. XIV (425-600)" (edited with Averil Cameron and Michael Whitby, 2001)
* "The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization" (2005)


External links

* [ Bryan Ward-Perkins] at Oxford University History Faculty
* [ A joint interview with Bryan Ward-Perkins and Peter Heather ] at Oxford University Press

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