Potteries — (spr. ris, »Töpfereien«), ein Bezirk in der engl. Grafschaft Stafford, Hauptsitz der Porzellanmanufaktur Englands, umfaßt sieben größere Städte (Burslem, Hanley, Stoke upon Trent, Newcastle under Lyme, Longton, Tunstall und Fenton) nebst… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Potteries — Pottĕries (d.i. Töpfereien), Fabrikgegend im nordwestl. Teil der engl. Grafsch. Stafford, liefert das berühmte engl. Steingut etc., umfaßt das an Eisenerzen, Kohlen und Töpferton reiche Tal des obern Trent in einer Ausdehnung von 11 13 km und… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Potteries — d.h. Töpfereien, heißt ein Fabrikdistrict in der engl. Grafschaft Strafford, der das berühmte engl. Steingut und Thongeschirr liefert, eine Industrie, die von Wedgewood gegründet sich immer mehr gehoben hat; der District umfaßt 21/2 QM. und zählt … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Potteries — Pottery Pot ter*y, n.; pl. {Potteries}. [F. poterie, fr. pot. See {Pot}.] 1. The vessels or ware made by potters; earthenware, glazed and baked. [1913 Webster] 2. The place where earthen vessels are made. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Potteries — Pot|ter|ies the Potteries a part of Staffordshire in the ↑Midlands of England which is a centre for the ↑china and ↑pottery industry … Dictionary of contemporary English
Potteries, Shrewsbury and North Wales Railway — Potteries, Shrewsbury North Wales Railway Legend … Wikipedia
Potteries Orienteering Club — Infobox Non profit Non profit name = Potteries Orienteering Club Non profit Non profit type = Orienteering club founded date =1975 founder = location = origins = key people = area served = United Kingdom product = focus = method = revenue =… … Wikipedia
Potteries dialect — The Potteries dialect is a dialect found in the northern West Midlands of England, particularly in and around Stoke on Trent.A popular cartoon called May un Mar Lady, created by Dave Follows, appears in The Sentinel newspaper and is written in… … Wikipedia
Potteries Museum & Art Gallery — The Potteries Museum Art Gallery is in Hanley, one of the six towns of Stoke on Trent in Staffordshire.It holds an extensive collection of Staffordshire ceramics, R. J. Mitchell s World War II supermarine Spitfire, and arts, craft, local history… … Wikipedia
Potteries Shopping Centre — The Potteries Shopping Centre is an indoor shopping centre in Hanley, Stoke on Trent. It is the major indoor shopping centre in the city.The town of Hanley is generally regarded as the commercial city centre of Stoke on Trent.The Current Shopping … Wikipedia