

embuzzer is an aggregator of content. The content is gathered from many music blogs around the world, covering all sorts of music ranging from independent to pop. The MP3 blog MP3 blogs are scanned for MP3 files, and the files are categorized based on their artist or genre.The aggregators itself don't create new content, which is a reason why many blog publishers are upset with their existence. However, they arrange it in a new way and - just like netvibes or snowflakes - make it more accessible for certain parts of audience.

The importance and functionality of such tools will probably rise in time, as more content that's hard to reach is added. Right now, besides gathering and presenting the information in accessible way, the aggregators' second main advantage might be that they present trends of music being blogged about throughout the blogosphere. With addition of new tools and ways of visualizing these trends, aggregators might become trendwatchers in certain content categories, just like Technorati is within the general blogosphere.

External links

* [http://www.embuzzer.net embuzzer - Getting the best of blogs and MP3 music]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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