Paucident Planigale

Paucident Planigale


image_caption =
status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
status_ref = IUCN2006 | assessors = Australasian Marsupial & Monotreme Specialist Group | year = 1996 | title = Planigale gilesi | id = 40533 | downloaded = 2006-12-26]
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Marsupialia
ordo = Dasyuromorphia
familia = Dasyuridae
genus = "Planigale"
species = "P. gilesi"
binomial = "Planigale gilesi"
binomial_authority = Aitken, 1972

The Paucident Planigale ("Planigale gilesi"), also known as Giles' Planigale, is a very small species of carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae.


The Paucident Planigale was not formally described until 1972, when it was named in honour of the explorer Ernest Giles, who explored Australia's deserts, including this species' habitat.Citation
last = Read
first = D. G.
contribution = Giles' Planigale
year = 1995
title = The Mammals of Australia
editor-last = Strahan
editor-first = Ronald
volume =
pages = 107-109
publisher = Reed Books
id = ISBN 0-7301-0484-2
] It is one of five members of the planigale genus.


The Paucident Planigale differs from other planigales in its plain grey colouring and its two premolars in each tooth row (all other planigales have three). It feeds on many small creatures, including beetles, locusts, spiders or other arthropods, and even occasionally feeds on small lizards or mammals. The Paucident Planigale kills small prey with quick bites. Although it is believed that fewer than twenty percent of individuals survive for more than two years, captive animals have reached five years of age.

Distribution and habitat

The Paucident Planigale is found in arid inland areas from Lake Eyre, South Australia, to Moree, New South Wales, and from Mildura, Victoria, to the southwestern Northern Territory.cite book | last = Menkhorst | first = Peter | year = 2001 | title = A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia | publisher = Oxford University Press | pages = 64] It is often found in areas with cracked clay soils, including floodplains and interdune areas among sandhills, the cracks providing shelter from adverse weather conditions.


External links

* [ Photo of Paucident Planigale]

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