- Jul i Tøyengata
Jul i Tøyengata is a Norwegian
advent calendar created by the Norwegian comedianZahid Ali . The show is actually a parody on the other Norwegian advent calendarJul i Skomakergata from1979 , which is one of the most successful Norwegian TV series.Cast
Zahid Ali - Shoemaker Ali, KonnerudNikis Theophilakis - NaeemMorten Rudå - VarbergSiw Anita Andersen - IramBodil Lahelle - Ms. KonnerudRobert Gustafsson - RadkoØystein Martinsen - SeidelbaumThe three Africans:
Buntu Pupa ,Banthata Mukguatsane andJimu Makurumbandi
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.