List of Thomisidae genera

List of Thomisidae genera

This is a list of spider genera in the family Thomisidae (crab spiders).

The categorization into subfamilies follows Joel Hallan's [ Biology Catalog] .

See also the List of Thomisidae species.

* Aphantochilinae:* "Aphantochilus" O. P.-Cambridge, 1870:* "Bucranium" O. P.-Cambridge, 1881:* "Majellula" Strand, 1932

* Bominae Ono, 1984:* "Avelis" Simon, 1895:* "Boliscodes" Simon, 1909:* "Boliscus" Thorell, 1891:* "Bomis" L. Koch, 1874:* "Corynethrix" L. Koch, 1876:* "Felsina" Simon, 1895:* "Holopelus" Simon, 1886:* "Parabomis" Kulczyn'ski, 1901:* "Thomisops" Karsch, 1879

* Dietinae:* "Alcimochthes" Simon, 1885:* "Amyciaea" Simon, 1885:* "Apyretina" Strand, 1929:* "Bassaniodes" Pocock, 1903:* "Cetratus" Kulczyn'ski, 1911:* "Dietopsa" Strand, 1932:* "Diplotychus" Simon, 1903:* "Domatha" Simon, 1895:* "Emplesiogonus" Simon, 1903:* "Hewittia" Lessert, 1928:* "Lampertia" Strand, 1907:* "Loxobates" Thorell, 1877:* "Lycopus" Thorell, 1895:* "Musaeus" Thorell, 1890:* "Mystaria" Simon, 1895:* "Nyctimus" Thorell, 1877:* "Ostanes" Simon, 1895:* "Oxytate" L. Koch, 1878:* "Paramystaria" Lessert, 1919:* "Pasias" Simon, 1895:* "Pasiasula" Roewer, 1942:* "Peritraeus" Simon, 1895:* "Phaenopoma" Simon, 1895:* "Plastonomus" Simon, 1903:* "Pseudamyciaea" Simon, 1905:* "Pseudoporrhopis" Simon, 1886:* "Scopticus" Simon, 1895:* "Sylligma" Simon, 1895:* "Tagulinus" Simon, 1902:* "Tagulis" Simon, 1895:* "Zametopias" Thorell, 1892:* "Zametopina" Simon, 1909

* Stephanopinae:* "Angaeus" Thorell, 1881:* "Ascurisoma" Strand, 1928:* "Borboropactus" Simon, 1884:* "Cebrenninus" Simon, 1887:* "Coenypha" Simon, 1895:* "Cupa" Strand, 1906:* "Ebrechtella" Dahl, 1907:* "Epicadinus" Simon, 1895:* "Epicadus" Simon, 1895:* "Epidius" Thorell, 1877:* "Erissoides" Mello-Leitão, 1929:* "Erissus" Simon, 1895:* "Geraesta" Simon, 1889:* "Haedanula" Caporiacco, 1941:* "Hedana" L. Koch, 1874:* "Iphoctesis" Simon, 1903:* "Isala" L. Koch, 1876:* "Isaloides" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900:* "Onocolus" Simon, 1895:* "Parastephanops" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900:* "Pharta" Thorell, 1891:* "Phrynarachne" Thorell, 1869:* "Pothaeus" Thorell, 1895:* "Prepotelus" Simon, 1898:* "Pycnaxis" Simon, 1895:* "Reinickella" Dahl, 1907:* "Rhaebobates" Thorell, 1881:* "Sanmenia" Song & Kim, 1992:* "Sidymella" Strand, 1942:* "Stephanopis" O. P.-Cambridge, 1869:* "Stephanopoides" Keyserling, 1880:* "Synalus" Simon, 1895:* "Tharrhalea" L. Koch, 1875:* "Tobias" Simon, 1895:* "Trichopagis" Simon, 1886

* Stiphropodinae:* "Heterogriffus" Platnick, 1976:* "Stiphropella" Lawrence, 1952:* "Stiphropus" Gerstäcker, 1873

* Strophiinae:* "Acracanthostoma" Mello-Leitão, 1917:* "Ceraarachne" Keyserling, 1880:* "Parastrophius" Simon, 1903:* "Simorcus" Simon, 1895:* "Strigoplus" Simon, 1885:* "Strophius" Keyserling, 1880:* "Synstrophius" Mello-Leitão, 1925:* "Ulocymus" Simon, 1886

* Thomisinae:* "Acentroscelus" Simon, 1886:* "Bassaniana" Strand, 1928:* "Bonapruncinia" Benoit, 1977:* "Camaricus" Thorell, 1887:* "Coriarachne" Thorell, 1870:* "Cymbacha" L. Koch, 1874:* "Cymbachina" Bryant, 1933:* "Cynathea" Simon, 1895:* "Cyriogonus" Simon, 1886:* "Deltoclita" Simon, 1877:* "Demogenes" Simon, 1895:* "Diaea" Thorell, 1869:* "Dimizonops" Pocock, 1903:* "Firmicus" Simon, 1895:* "Gnoerichia" Dahl, 1907:* "Haplotmarus" Simon, 1909:* "Herbessus" Simon, 1903:* "Heriaesynaema" Caporiacco, 1939:* "Heriaeus" Simon, 1875:* "Latifrons" Kulczyn'ski, 1911:* "Loxoporetes" Kulczyn'ski, 1911:* "Lysiteles" Simon, 1895:* "Martus" Mello-Leitão, 1943:* "Massuria" Thorell, 1887:* "Mecaphesa" Simon, 1900:* "Metadiaea" Mello-Leitão, 1929:* "Misumena" Latreille, 1804:* "Misumenoides" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900:* "Misumenops" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900:* "Monaeses" Thorell, 1869:* "Narcaeus" Thorell, 1890:* "Ocyllus" Thorell, 1887:* "Ozyptila" Simon, 1864:* "Pactactes" Simon, 1895:* "Pagida" Simon, 1895:* "Parasmodix" Jézéquel, 1966:* "Parasynema" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1900:* "Pherecydes" O. P.-Cambridge, 1883:* "Philodamia" Thorell, 1894:* "Philogaeus" Simon, 1895:* "Phireza" Simon, 1886:* "Physoplatys" Simon, 1895:* "Pistius" Simon, 1875:* "Plancinus" Simon, 1886:* "Platyarachne" Keyserling, 1880:* "Platythomisus" Doleschall, 1859:* "Poecilothomisus" Simon, 1895:* "Porropis" L. Koch, 1876:* "Pyresthesis" Butler, 1879:* "Runcinia" Simon, 1875:* "Saccodomus" Rainbow, 1900:* "Smodicinodes" Ono, 1993:* "Smodicinus" Simon, 1895:* "Soelteria" Dahl, 1907:* "Synaemops" Mello-Leitão, 1929:* "Synema" Simon, 1864:* "Takachihoa" Ono, 1985:* "Talaus" Simon, 1886:* "Tharpyna" L. Koch, 1874:* "Thomisus" Walckenaer, 1805:* "Titidiops" Mello-Leitão, 1929:* "Titidius" Simon, 1895:* "Tmarus" Simon, 1875:* "Uraarachne" Keyserling, 1880:* "Wechselia" Dahl, 1907:* "Xysticus" C. L. Koch, 1835:* "Zygometis" Simon, 1901

* "incertae sedis":* "Ansiea" Lehtinen, 2005:* "Carcinarachne" Schmidt, 1956:* "Cozyptila" Lehtinen & Marusik, 2005:* "Ebelingia" Lehtinen, 2005:* "Facundia" Petrunkevitch, 1942 † (fossil):* "Fiducia" Petrunkevitch, 1942 † (fossil):* "Henriksenia" Lehtinen, 2005:* "Hexommulocymus" Caporiacco, 1955:* "Ledouxia" Lehtinen, 2005:* "Mastira" Thorell, 1891:* "Megapyge" Caporiacco, 1947:* "Modysticus" Gertsch, 1953:* "Rejanellus" Lise, 2005:* "Syphax" Koch & Berendt, 1854 † (fossil):* "Tarrocanus" Simon, 1895:* "Taypaliito" Barrion & Litsinger, 1995

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