Stauffer syndrome

Stauffer syndrome


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DiseasesDB = 29132
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Stauffer syndrome is a constellation of signs and symptoms of liver dysfunction that arise due to presence of renal cell carcinoma [EMedicineDictionary|Stauffer+syndrome] but are not due to tumour inflitration into the liver and/or intrinsic liver disease; it is a paraneoplastic syndrome.cite journal |author=Jakse G, Madersbacher H |title= [Stauffer's syndrome. Reversible hepatic dysfunction in renal cell carcinoma (author's transl)] |journal=Wien Klin Wochenschr |volume=90 |issue=8 |pages=268–70 |year=1978 |pmid=636440]

It leads to elevated liver function tests, which results from cholestatis, i.e. a sessation of bile flow. The symptoms resolve if the renal cell cancer is successfully treated.


It was first characterized in 1961. [cite journal |author=Stauffer MH |title=Nephrogenic hepatomegaly |journal=Gastroenterology |volume=40 |issue= |pages=694 |year=1961] [cite journal |author=Morla D, Alazemi S, Lichtstein D |title=Stauffer's syndrome variant with cholestatic jaundice: a case report |journal=J Gen Intern Med |volume=21 |issue=7 |pages=C11–3 |year=2006 |month=Jul |pmid=16808761 |pmc=1924715 |doi=10.1111/j.1525-1497.2006.00448.x |url=]


External links

* [ Renal cell carcinoma] - Cecil's Textbook of Medicine.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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