- Ernst Raupach
Ernst Benjamin Salomo Raupach (
May 21 ,1784 –March 18 ,1852 ) was a Germandramatist .He was born at Straupitz, near Liegnitz in
Silesia , a son of the village pastor. He attended the gymnasium at Liegnitz, and studiedtheology at theuniversity of Halle . In 1804 he obtained a tutorship inSt Petersburg . He preached at times in the GermanLutheran church, wrote his first tragedies, and in 1817 was appointed professor of German literature and history at a training college in connection with the university.Owing to an outburst of jealousy against Germans in
Russia , culminating in police supervision, Raupach left St Petersburg in 1822 and undertook a journey to Italy. The literary fruits of his travels were "Hirsemeuzels Briefe aus und bei Italien" (1823). He next visitedWeimar , but, being coldly received byGoethe , abandoned his idea of living there and settled in 1824 inBerlin . Here he spent the remainder of his life, writing for the stage, which for twenty years he greatly influenced, if not wholly controlled, in the Prussian capital. He died at Berlin onMarch 18 1852.Raupach was a prolific writer of both tragedies and comedies; of the former, "Die Fursten Chawansky" (1818), "Der Liebe Zauherkreis" (1824), "Die Leibeigenen, oder Isidor und Olga" (1826), "Rafaele" (1828), "Der Nibelungenhort" (1834) and Die Schule des Lebens (1841), and of the latter "Die Schleichhandler" (1828) and "Der Zeitgeist" (1830) are pieces which have enjoyed great popularity owing to their skilful dramatic handling.
On the other hand, the historical dramas with which his name is chiefly associated, "Die Hohenstaufen" (1837–38), a cyclus of 15 dramatic pieces founded on Friedrich von Raumer's "Geschichte der Hohenstaufen", as also the trilogy "Cromwell" (1841–44), are superficial in treatment. Raupach had a great knowledge of theatrical effect and situations, but he contorts historical facts in order to suit his political hobby, which was the separation of church and state.
Raupach's collected dramas appeared under the title "Dramatische Werke ernsler Gattung" (16 vols., 1830–43) and "Dramatische Werke komischer Gatiung" (4 vols., 182935).
For his life see
*Pauline Raupach , "Raupach, eine biographische Skizze" (1853)
*Karl Goedeke , "Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung", 2nd ed. (1905), vol. viii., pp. 646–668.
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