

The Koyukons are a group of hunter-gathers that reside on the interior of Alaska.


*Naciente, Esperanza. "Indigenous Lifestyles: Lessons for the Industrialized World." "Fighting For Freedom Because A Better World Is Possible" Eds. Edgey Wildchild and Esperanza Naciente. New York: Planting Seeds Press. 2006. 121-126.
*Hunn, E.S. & Williams, N.M.(Eds.). (1982). "Resource Managers: North American and Australian Hunter-Gatherers." Westview Press: Colorado. Nelson, R.K. “A Conservation Ethic and Environment: The Koykon of Alaska” p. 211-228 Rohrlich, R & Baruch, E. (Ed.). (1984).

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* [http://www.plantingseedspress.com Planting Seeds Press]

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