Tómas Lemarquis

Tómas Lemarquis

Tómas Lemarquis (born August 3, 1977) is an Icelandic actor. He possibly best recalled for his appearance in the 2003 Icelandic film "Nói Albínói".

Lemarquis is the son of French actor Gérard Lemarquis and an Icleandic mother. [ [http://www.aboutfilm.com/features/noialbinoi/interviews.htm Interviews: Noi the Albinoi] ] Lemarquis's most distinguishing physical feature - his bald head - is the result of him losing his hair at the age of 13. [ [http://movies.ign.com/articles/505/505359p1.html IGN.com: Interview: Tomas Lemarquis] ] He grew up in a small town in Iceland and studied theater at the Cours Florent in Paris, where he was a classmate of actress Audrey Tatou, [ [http://movies.ign.com/articles/505/505359p1.html IGN.com: Interview: Tomas Lemarquis] ] and the Reykjavík School of Fine Arts in Iceland. [ [http://movies.ign.com/articles/505/505359p1.html IGN.com: Interview: Tomas Lemarquis] ]

Lemarquis is a fluent speaker of Icelandic, French, English and Danish. He currently resides in France. [ [http://www.aboutfilm.com/features/noialbinoi/interviews.htm Interviews: Noi the Albinoi] ]


External links

*imdb name|id=1319365|name=Tómas Lemarquis
* [http://tomaslemarquis.com/ Tómas Lemarquis.com]

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