- 424 BC
By place
Persian empire
Xerxes II rules as King of Persia for only about 45 days until he is killed. He is reportedly murdered, while drunk, by Pharnacyas and Menostanes on the orders ofSecydianus (orSogdianus ), the son of one ofArtaxerxes I 's concubines, Alogyne ofBabylon .Greece
* The statesman,
Hermocrates of Syracuse, persuades the cities ofSicily to agree to make peace and urges the exclusion of foreign powers. As a result, the three-year war between his city and Sicily's pro-Athenian towns ends and the Athenian forces, which had been sent to Sicily to support Greek settlements, are forced to withdraw.
* Demosthenes and Hippocrates attempt to captureMegara , but they are defeated by theSparta ns under their generalBrasidas . Demosthenes then marches toNaupactus to assist in a democratic revolution, and to gather troops for an invasion ofBoeotia . However, Demosthenes and Hippocrates are unable to coordinate their attacks and Hippocrates is defeated at theBattle of Delium byPagondas of Thebes. During the battle,Socrates is said to have saved the life ofAlcibiades . Demosthenes attacksSicyon and is defeated as well.
* After he frustrates the Athenian attack on Megara, Brasidas marches through Boeotia andThessaly toChalcidice at the head of 700helots and 1000 Peloponnesian mercenaries to join the Macedonian kingPerdiccas II . Refusing to be made a tool for the furtherance of Perdiccas' ambitions, Brasidas wins over the important cities of Acanthus,Stagirus ,Amphipolis andTorone as well as a number of minor towns. An attack onEion is foiled by the arrival ofThucydides at the head of an Athenian squadron.
* Brasidas' capture of the city of Amphipolis is a major reverse forAthens , for which the Athenian general (and future historian) Thucydides is held responsible and banished. This gives Thucydides the opportunity for undistracted study for his "History" and for travel and wider contacts, especially on the Peloponnesian side (Sparta and its allies).
*Cleon captures the Peloponnesian island of Cythera, from which to harry the Spartans.By topic
Sophocles ' play "Oedipus Rex" is performed.Architecture
* The temple to
Athena Nike (also known as the Wingless Victory) on the AthenianAcropolis is completed. It has been designed by the Athenian architectCallicrates .Births
Xerxes II , King of Persia
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