List of compositions by Thomas Weelkes

List of compositions by Thomas Weelkes

This is a list of musical compositions by Thomas Weelkes.


(All incomplete.)
*The First Service to the Organs in Gamut (TeD, Jub, Off, Ky, Cr, Mag, Nunc), ?/4vv, org, GB-Ob, Och, WB; Mag, Nunc ed. D. Brown (London, 1974)
*The Second Service to the Organs in D-sol-re (TeD, Jub, Off, Ky, Cr, Mag, Nunc), ?/4vv, org, Ob (Tenbury)
*Service to the Organs in F-fa-ut (Mag, Nunc), ?/?vv, org, Ob (Tenbury)
*Service for Trebles (TeD, Mag, Nunc), 5/5vv, org, Cp, DRc, Ob (Tenbury); ed. E.H. Fellowes (London, 1931), P. le Huray (London, 1962)
*Service in medio chori (Mag, Nunc), ?/3/5vv, org, Ob (Tenbury); ed D. Brown (Borough Green, 1973)
*Service in Verse for Two Counter-tenors (Mag, Nunc), ?/4vv, org, WB, US-NYp; ed. M Walsh (Oxford, 1990)
*Short Service (Ven, TeD, Jub, Mag, Nunc), 4vv, GB-Cp, DRc, Lbl, Och, Ojc; Ven, TeD, Jub ed. D. Brown (London, 1969)
*Service for Five Voices (TeD, Jub, Mag, Nunc), 5vv, Ob (Tenbury); ed. E.H. Fellowes (London, 1937, 2/1965 by D. Wulstan)
*Service for Seven Voices (Mag, Nunc), 7vv, Cp, DRc
*Jubilate, ?vv, Ob
*Responses to the Commandments, 5vv, lost: see The Choir and Musical Record (1864), nos.47–8 [incl. musical examples]

Other sacred vocal music

(Anthems unless otherwise stated.)Edition: Thomas Weelkes: Collected Anthems, ed. D. Brown, W. Collins and P. le Huray, MB, xxiii (1966, rev. 2/1975) [incl. incipits of lost and doubtful works, list of sources]

*Alleluia. I heard a voice, 5/5vv, org, MB 1
*All laud and praise, 4/4vv, org, MB 17
*All people clap your hands, 5vv, MB 2
*An earthly tree (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*Behold how good and joyful (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*Behold, O Israel (inc.), ?/?vv, org., MB App.II
*Blessed be the Man (inc.), ?/?vv, org., MB App.II
*Blessed is he (inc.), ?/?vv, org., MB App.II
*Christ is risen: see Christ rising
*Christ rising (2p. Christ is risen) (inc.), ?4/?6vv, org, MB App.II; ed. D. Brown (Borough Green, 1973)
*Deal bountifully (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*Deliver us, O Lord (inc.), ?5vv, MB 3; authenticity doubtful
*Give ear, O Lord, 6/5vv, org, MB 18
*Give the king thy judgements, 3/6vv, org, MB 19
*Gloria in excelsis Deo. Sing, my soul, to God, 6vv, MB 4
*Hosanna to the Son of David, 6vv, MB 5
*If King Manasses, 6/6vv, org, MB 20
*If ye be risen again with Christ (inc.), ?/?.vv, org, MB App.II
*I lift my heart to thee (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*I love the Lord (2p. The Lord preserveth) (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*In thee, O Lord (Ps xxxi; inc.), 1/?4vv, org, MB 21
*In thee, O Lord (Ps lxxi; inc.), 6/6vv, org; spurious version of If King Manasses
*Laboravi in gemitu meo (inc.), ?6vv, MB 6
*Let us lift up, ?/?vv, org; only text survives
*Lord, to thee I make my moan, 5vv, MB 7
*Most mighty and all-knowing Lord, consort song, 4vv, MB 25
*O happy he, 5vv, MB 8
*O how amiable, 5vv, MB 9
*O Jonathan, woe is me, sacred madrigal, 6vv, MB 10
*O Lord, arise, 7vv, MB 11
*O Lord God almighty (inc.), ?5vv, MB 12
*O Lord, grant the king a long life, 7vv, MB 13
*O Lord, how joyful is the king (inc.), ?4/?5vv, org, MB 22
*O Lord, preserve thee; only title survives
*O Lord, rebuke me not, 5vv; authenticity doubtful, MB App.I
*O Lord, turn not away thy face (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*O mortal man, 5vv, MB 14
*O my son Absalom (i): see When David heard
*O my son Absalom (ii), 4vv; authenticity doubtful, MB App.I
*Plead thou my cause (inc.), ?5/5vv, org, MB 23
*Rejoice in the Lord (inc.), ?4vv, MB 15
*Sing unto the Lord, O ye princes, full anthem; only text survives
*Successive course (inc.), ?/?vv, org; 1st chorus begins ‘That mighty God that humble spirits raises’, MB App.II
*Teach me, O Lord, full anthem (inc.), MB App.II
*The Lord is my shepherd (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*The Lord preserveth: see I love the Lord
*Thy mercies great, full anthem; only text survives
*What joy so true, 4/5vv, org, MB 24
*When David heard (2p. O my son Absalom), sacred madrigal, 6vv, MB 16
*Why art thou so sad (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II
*Ye people all (inc.), ?/?vv, org, MB App.II


*Madrigals to 3. 4. 5. & 6. Voyces (London, 1597); ed. in EM, ix (1916, 2/1967) [1597]
*Balletts and Madrigals to Five Voyces, with One to 6. Voyces (London, 1598); ed. in EM, x (1921, 2/1968) [1598]
*Madrigals of 5. and 6. Parts, apt for the Viols and Voices (London, 1600); ed. in EM, xi, xii (1913, 2/1968) [1600]
*Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for Three Voices (London, 1608); ed. in EM, xiii (1916, 2/1965) [1608]
*A cuntrie paire, 3vv, 1597; Alas O tarry but one halfe houre, 3vv, 1608; All at once well met faire ladies, 5vv, 1598; As deadly serpents lurking, 3vv, 1608; A sparow-hauck proud, 6vv, 1600; As Vesta was, from Latmos hill descending, 6vv, 1601; As wanton birds, 5vv, 1600; Aye me alas hey hoe, 3vv, 1608; Aye mee my wonted joyes, 4vv, 1597 (reprinted in 160516); Cease now delight (An elogie, in remembrance of the Hon: the Lord Borough), 6vv, 1598; Cease sorrowes now, 3vv, 1597; Cold winters ice is fled, 5vv, 1600; Come clap thy hands (2p. Phyllis hath sworn), 5vv, 1598; Come, lets begin to revel’t out, 3vv, 1608; Come sirrah Jacke hoe, 3vv, 1608; Death hath deprived me (A remembrance of my friend M. Thomas Morley) (John Davies of Hereford), 6vv, 1608; Donna il vostro bel viso, 3vv, 1608; Fa la la, O now weepe, 3vv, 1608; Farewell my joy adue my love, 5vv, 1598; Fowre armes two neckes, 3vv, 1608
*Give me my hart, 5vv, 1598; Grace my lovely one, 5vv, GB-Lbl Add.17786–9, 17791, ed. D. Brown (Reigate, 1969); Ha ha this world doth passe, 3vv, 1608; Harke all ye lovely saints above (?Barnabe Barnes), 5vv, 1598; I bei ligustri e rose, 3vv, 1608; If beautie bee a treasure, 6vv, 1597; If thy deceitfull lookes, 5vv, 1597; I love, and have my love regarded, 5vv, 1598; In pride of May, 5vv, 1598; Jockey thine horne pipes dull, 3vv, 1608; Ladie, your eye my love enforced, 5vv, 1598; Lady the birds right fairely, 5vv, 1600; Lady, your spotlesse feature, 5vv, 1597; Late in my rash accounting, 3vv, 1608; Like two proud armies, 6vv, 1600; Loe cuntrie sports, 4vv, 1597; Lord when I thinke, 3vv, 1608; Make hast yee lovers, 5vv, 1597; Mars in a furie, 6vv, 1600; My flocks feede not (2p. In black mourn I, Clear wells spring not), 3vv, 1597; My Phillis bids mee pack, 6vv, 1597; My teares doe not availe mee, 6vv, 1597; No, no though I shrinke still, 3vv, 1608; Noell, adew thou courts delight, 6vv, 1600; Now everie tree renewes, 4vv, 1597; Now is my Cloris fresh as May, 5vv, 1598; Now is the bridalls of faire Choralis, 5vv, 1598; Now let us make a merry greeting, 5vv, 1600
*O care thou wilt dispatch mee (2p. Hence, Care, thou art too cruel), 5vv, 1600; On the plaines Fairie traines (Barnabe Barnes), 5vv, 1598; Our cuntrie swaines, 4vv, 1597; Phillis goe take thy pleasure, 5vv, 1598; Retire my thoughts, 6vv, 1597; Say daintie dames shall wee goe play, 5vv, 1598; Say deere, when will your frowning, 6vv, 1597; Say wanton will you love me, 3vv, 1608; See where the maides are singing, 5vv, 1600; Since Robin Hood, 3vv, 1608; Sing sheperds after mee, 5vv, 1598; Sing wee at pleasure, 5vv, 1598; Sit downe and sing, 3vv, 1597; Some men desire spouses, 3vv, 1608; Strike it up tabor, 3vv, 1608; Sweet hart arise, 5vv, 1598; Sweete love, I will no more abuse thee, 5vv, 1598
*Take heere my heart, 5vv, 1600; Tan ta ra ran tan tant, cryes Mars, 3vv, 1608; The ape, the monkey, 3vv, 1608; The gods have heard my vowes, 3vv, 1608; The nightingale the organ of delight, 3vv, 1608; Those spots upon my ladies face, 6vv, 1597; Those sweet delightfull lillies, 5vv, 1597; Though my carriage be but carelesse, 3vv, 1608; Three times a day, 6vv, 1600; Three virgin nimphes, 4vv, 1597; Thule the period of cosmographie (2p. The Andalusian merchant), 6vv, 1600; Thus sings my dearest jewell, 3vv, GB-Lbl Add.18936–7, 18939, ed. in Monson; To shorten winters sadnesse, 5vv, 1598; To morrow is the marriage day, 3vv, 1608; Unto our flocks sweet Corolus, 5vv, 1598; Upon a hill, the bonny boy, 3vv, 1608; Wee shepherds sing, 5vv, 1598; Welcome sweet pleasure, 5vv, 1598; What hast faire lady, 5vv, 1597; What have the gods (2p. Me thinks I hear), 6vv, 1600; When Thoralis delights to walke, 6vv, 1600; Whilst youthfull sports, 5vv, 1598; Why are you ladyes staying (2p. Harke, I hear some dancing), 5vv, 1600; Yong Cupid hath proclaim’d, 4vv, 1597; Your beautie it alureth, 5vv, 1597

Other Vocal

*The Cries of London, 5vv; ed. in MB, xxii (1967, 2/1974)
*I cannot eat my meat (a round), 3vv, ed. in Monson, 361, is not by Weelkes


*For keyboard: 2 voluntaries, GB-Lcm, US-NYp; Pavane, NYp; Galliard, GB-Lbl; facs. and ed., D. Hunter: Thomas Weelkes: Keyboard Music (Clarabricken, 1984)
*For viols: [Fantasia] for 2 basses, a 6, Lbl (ed. in ReeseMR); In Nomine [no.1] , a 4, Ob; 2 In Nomines [nos.2 and 3] , a 5, Ob; Lachrimae, a 5, Lbl; Pavane [no. 1] , a 5, Lbl, Lcm; Pavane [no.2] , a 5, Lbl; [?Pavane] , (inc.), Lcm (In Nomine no.2, a 5, Pavane no.2 ed. in MB, ix, 1955, 2/1962; In Nomine nos.1 and 3 ed. in MB xlv, 1988)


* David Brown "Weelkes, Thomas" in "Grove Music Online" ed. L. Macy (Accessed 20 Dec. 2006) []

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