

Lourenço (Portuguese meaning Lawrence, Capeverdean Crioulo, ALUPEC or ALUPEK: "Lurensu", also in the Santo Antão Crioulo and the São Vicente Crioulo) is a village in the island of Santo Antão.

Geography and Information

The mountains dominate the area around the village, farmlands groves dominate the village areas and are located in slopey surfaces, grasslands with barren rocks and bushes covers the rest of the area. The mountain cliffs lies around the area. Palm trees are sporadically founded in the valley area. Cliffs and steep and treacherous ledges dominate the edges of its valley areas. Forests dominate the higher elevations and barren land at its highest points.

The village is in the island's low class. Most of the houses are built with mud-brick and stone, the rest are built with either steel reinforced concrete or with stone and wood. All of its population are farmers and are based in agriculture where banana plantations, pineapple and other crops are common. Some farms are in the form of paddies and stone walls. However, a part of the needy materials comes from the island capital, the island capital and the diaspora. But for other needs, electricity, communications and appliances are partially available in the area as well as phone lines since the late-20th century. A part of the necessities also comes from the island capital.

ee also

*List of villages and settlements in Cape Verde

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