

The word "escalope" is French. It first appeared in cookery terminology late in the 17th century as a dialectal expression in the northeast of rural France meaning shell from a nut or snail: veau à l'escalope (veal cooked in the style of an escalope).

In those days an escalope was doubtlessly always veal. Today it can be any of the "white" meats (veal, pork, chicken or turkey) as opposed to the "red" meats (beef or wild game). "Escalope" has even crossed into seafood recipes, as in "salmon escalope with a sorrel sauce". Perhaps it sounds a bit more upscale to a food writer than "salmon fillet", yet the same writer will refer to "veal cutlets" rather than "veal escalope".

The most famous recipe using veal escalope is "Veal Cordon Bleu", and its various look-alikes such as the Italian "Saltimbocca", where the same cut of veal is known as scaloppine. The dish is basically a veal sandwich with the escalope serving as the "bread" and the filling being ham and cheese. This is then floured, dipped in beaten egg yolk or milk, then in bread or cracker crumbs, and cooked in a pan with butter or, sometimes, oil. In the case of Saltimbocca only one slice of veal is used and the resulting "open-face sandwich" is rolled before being enrobed and cooked.

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  • escalope — [ ɛskalɔp ] n. f. • 1742; veau à l escalope 1691; d un dial. du N. E., a. fr. eschalope « coquille de noix » (déb. XIIIe), de l a. fr. escale « écale » et suff. de envelopper ♦ Tranche mince de viande ou de poisson. Escalope de veau, de dinde, de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • escalope — s. m. [Culinária] Carne de lombo cortada transversalmente em fatias não muito grossas e cozinhada, geralmente frita, grelhada ou panada.   ‣ Etimologia: francês escalope …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • escalope — (also escallop) ► NOUN ▪ a thin slice of coated and fried meat, especially veal. ORIGIN Old French, shell …   English terms dictionary

  • Escalope — Une escalope est une mince tranche de viande (généralement blanche veau, porc ou volaille ) ou de poisson préparée[1]. Une escalope de veau peut être découpée dans le quasi, la noix, la sous noix, la noix pâtissière ou l épaule. Les escalopes… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • escalope — (Voz francesa.) ► sustantivo masculino COCINA Filete empanado y frito: ■ de segundo pidió escalope de ternera. TAMBIÉN escalopa SINÓNIMO filete * * * escalope (del fr. «escalope») m. Filete de carne delgado. ⊚ Corrientemente, en los restaurantes …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • escalope — (è ska lo p ) s. f. Terme de cuisine. Tranches de veau ou de toute autre viande apprêtées d une manière particulière. Escalopes de perdreaux, de foie, etc.    Sorte d assaisonnement. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Anc. franç. •   escalope, coquille : La limace… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • ESCALOPE — n. f. T. de Cuisine Tranches de poisson ou de viande amincies et coupées d’une manière particulière. Une escalope de veau. Escalope de turbot. On dit par analogie des Escalopes de foie gras …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

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