- John Rosenberg
John Rosenberg is an
American football coach, [Citation | title = John Rosenburg new Lions head coach | publisher = Football100.de | journal = Das American Football Online Magazin | date = 10 January 2005 | url = http://www.football101.de/article2248.html ] and a graduate ofHarvard University . Rosenberg is known for hiscreativity andinnovation in defensivestrategy . He has coached for thirty years, includingcollege s in theUnited States , andClub team s inEurope . His career has included nationalchampionship s in three differentcountries .USA
Penn State
He was an assistant coach at
Penn State for 11 seasons, working for thelegend aryJoe Paterno . During this time he coached in 11bowl games , including the National Championship team in 1982. He coordinatedrecruiting from 1974-1977, and also served as defensivebackfield coach from 1977-1982.Philadelphia
1983 he was anassistant coach with thePhiladelphia Stars in the first year of the USFL. Jim Mora Sr. was head coach andCarl Peterson , currentpresident of theKansas City Chiefs , was the general manager.Brown University
He was the head coach at
Brown University in theIvy League from 1984-1989. He led them to 3 straight winningseasons including a 7-3 record in 1987. He resigned in 1990 after 2 losing seasons.Germany
In 1994 he went to
Europe for the first time as head coach of theMunich Thunder in theFootball League of Europe , whichdisbanded after oneseason . In 1995 he became head coach of theBerlin Adler in theGerman Football League (GFL). He also was the Defensive Coordinator of theCologne Crocodiles in 1998-1999, and theMunich Cowboys in2000 -2001 .Hamburg
In 2002 he was head coach of the
Hamburg Blue Devils in the GFL, winning theGerman Bowl for the German National Championship. In 2004 he coordinated the defense of theBraunschweig Lions , Germany's most winning team with 10 straight German Bowl appearances and 5 National Championships.Italy
In 2005 he became the head coach of the
Bergamo Lions , one of Europe's most successful teams. Bergamo has won the ItalianLeague Championship for 10 straight years and won theEurobowl (equivalent to European soccer's Champions League) in American Football in 2000, 2001, and 2002. He won the Italian League title in 2005 and lost the Eurobowl championship game to theVienna Vikings, finishing with a 13-1 record.General information
Overall in
Europe , Rosenberg has a 79% winningpercentage . In both the U.S. andEurope , he has not had a losing season in 20 seasons as an assistant coach.Rosenberg received a
Bachelor's degree from Harvard, where he studiedsocial psychology andorganizational behavior . He received aMasters Degree in Counselor Education fromPenn State in1972 , with anemphasis onstudent personnel inhigher education .Rosenberg grew up in
Newton, Massachusetts . He now lives inLos Angeles, California where he has done somewriting andediting forfilms andTV projects with footballthemes . He also was asports radio talk show host in the early1990 s.He holds a U.S. Patent for a
board game he created in the late 1970s. [Citation | title = Franchise board game. Inventor: Rosenberg, John D. (State College, PA, US) United States Patent 4027882 | publisher = Free Patents Online | url = http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4027882.html ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.