International Council

International Council

International Council may refer to:


* International Bahá'í Council, an administrative institution of the Bahá'í Faith
* International Council of Christians and Jews, an umbrella organization of 38 national groups in 32 countries world-wide engaged in the Christian-Jewish dialogue
* International Council of Community Churches, a Christian denomination of ecumenically co-operating mainline Protestants and Independent Catholics based in Frankfort, Illinois
* International council of the United Methodist Church in Germany, a pilot project approved by the United Methodist General Conference in 1988
* International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, a world council bringing together Unitarians, Universalists and Unitarian Universalists
* International Council of Universities of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a world-wide network of universities inspired by the thought of Santo Tomás de Aquino
* International Lutheran Council, a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran denominations


* International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, a modern intergovernmental organisation that promotes marine research in the North Atlantic
* International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, a global organisation that promotes better design around the world
* International Council on Systems Engineering, a non-profit membership organization dedicated to the advancement of systems engineering
* International ICT Council, a non-profit organization formed by academicians, industry practitioners and professionals of the ICT industry internationally
* International Social Science Council, an international organisation that aims to promote the social and behavioural sciences
* [ The International Council on Nanotechnology] a mutlistakeholder group dedicated to developing and communicating information on nano risks


* International Australian Football Council, a body established in 1995 to govern the sport of Australian rules football internationally
* International Cricket Council, the international governing body of cricket


* International Code Council, a United States based non-governmental organization which allows U.S. jurisdictions and other stakeholders to collaborate in the creation of model building codes and other building safety related standards
* International Council Correspondence, a council communist journal
* International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation, a politically independent advisory body internationally active on a non-profit basis
* International Council for Science, an international non-governmental organization devoted to international co-operation in the advancement of science
* International Council of Cruise Lines, a non-profit trade association which represents the interests of 16 passenger cruise lines
* International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP), a project supported by the Knesset, the World Jewish Congress, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum
* International Council of Museums, an international organization of museums and museum professionals which is committed to the conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world's natural and cultural heritage
* International Council of Nurses, a federation of more than 120 national nurses associations
* International Council of Women, a non-governmental organization
* International Council on Educational Credential Evaluation, an international NGO closely affiliated both with UNESCO and the Council of Europe
* International Council on Monuments and Sites, a professional association that works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places around the world
* International Dance Council, an umbrella organization for all forms of dance in the world
* International Music Council, UNESCO's advisory body on matters of music
* International Press Telecommunications Council, a consortium of the world's major news agencies and news industry vendors
* International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, an independent, international health professional organisation that promotes and supports the rehabilitation of torture victims and works for the prevention of torture worldwide
* International Risk Governance Council, an independent foundation which aims to support governments, business and other organizations and to foster public confidence in risk governance and in related decision-making
* International Spiritist Council, an organization founded on November 28th, 1992
* International Tin Council, an organisation which acted on behalf of the principal tin producers in Cornwall and Malaysia to buy up surplus tin stocks to maintain the price at a steady level
* International Wheat Council, an international organization established on March 23, 1949 at the initiative of the U.S. government for the purpose of egalitarian distribution of wheat to countries in a state of emergency

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