Adam Bock

Adam Bock

Adam Bock is a Canadian playwright currently living in the United States. He is an artistic associate of the Shotgun Players, an award-winning San Francisco theater group. He won a 2006 Obie award for his play "The Thugs". During the 2007-2008 New York theatrical season, Bock presented two new plays: "The Receptionist" at Manhattan Theatre Club and "The Drunken City", originally commissioned by the Kitchen Theatre Company in Ithaca, New York, is currently playing atPlaywrights Horizons.

Bock is openly gay and often writes about homosexuality. He is quoted as saying "I’m a gay playwright. I like being called a gay playwright. It’s who I am. It’s how I write. I have a very specific take on the world because I’m gay." [ Outzone Interview)]

Bock has been nominated for two 2007-2008 Outer Critics Circle Awards. Both "The Receptionist" and "The Drunken City" were nominated for Outstanding Off-Broadway Play.

Play list

* "The Shaker Chair"
* "Five Flights"
* "Swimming in the Shallows"
* "Three Guys and a Brenda"
* "The Typographer's Dream"
* "The Thugs"
* "A Roadside Garden"
* "Medea Eats"
* "Percy Stripped Down"
* "The Gayboy Nutcracker"
* "Thursday"
* "Drunken City"
* "The Receptionist"


External links

* [ Playscript, Inc. - Adam Bock]
* [ Shotgun Players Alumni Page]
* [ Interview with]

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