Eugene Goblet d'Alviella

Eugene Goblet d'Alviella

Eugène Félicien Albert, Count Goblet d'Alviella (Brussels, 10 August, 1846-Elsene, 9 September, 1925) was a lawyer, liberal senator of Belgium and a "Professor of the history of religions" and rector of the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) [Kreglinger, R., Le Comte Eugène Goblet d'Alviella, in : Le Flambeau, jg. 8, nr. 12, dec. 1925, p. 437-444] . He was the father of Félix Goblet d'Alviella, a lawyer and director of the "Revue de Belgique".

He became famous for this book "The Migration of Symbols" [Symbols: Their Migration and Universality, Count Eugene Goblet d'Alviella, Dover Publications] , which is one of the foundations of religious archeology. He was a freemason, a member of the lodge "Les Amis Philanthropes" (initiated in 1870), Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Belgium (1884), and "Grand Commander" of the "Supreme Council" in 1900.


* The Contemporary Evolution of Religious Thought in England (1885)
* Lectures on the origin and growth of the Conception of God as Illustrated by anthropology and history (1892)
* Eulisinia : De quelques problèmes relatifs aux Mystères d’Eulisis (1903)


ee also

* Albert Joseph Goblet d'Alviella

External links

* [ Mausoleum Eugene Goblet d'Alviella]

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