Karl Sapper

Karl Sapper

Karl Theodor Sapper (1866–1945) was a German traveller, explorer, antiquarian and linguist, who is known for his research into the natural history, cultures and languages of Central America around the turn of the 20th century.

Sapper spent over twelve years (1888–95) [As cited in Dienhart (1997), [http://maya.hum.sdu.dk/mayabiblioauth.html "Data sources listed by author"] .] traveling through much of Central America, and in the process published a number of scientific works on aspects from vulcanology to Mesoamerican languages to descriptions and maps of Maya archaeological sites. [Hirst, (n.d.)]

Sapper's contributions to the study of Mesoamerican languages include his initial proposal, made in a 1912 paper, which surmised that the highland regions of Chiapas and Guatemala was the location from which the Mayan languages and the Maya peoples later diversified. [Fernández de Miranda (1968), p.75.] The assessment of a number of modern linguists places the likely home of the Proto-Mayan language as being centered around the Cuchumatanes highlands of Guatemala, with a subsequent early occupancy of the Chiapas highlands proper. [See for example Campbell (1997), p.165.]



: Cite book |author=aut|Campbell, Lyle |authorlink=Lyle Campbell |year=1997 |title=American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America (Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, 4) |publisher=Oxford University Press|location= New York |id=ISBN 0-195-09427-1 : cite web |author=aut|Dienhart, John M. |year=1997 |title=The Mayan Languages- A Comparative Vocabulary |format=electronic version |url=http://www.hum.sdu.dk/projekter/maya/mayainfo.html |publisher=Odense University |accessdate=2006-12-20 : cite book |author=aut|Fernández de Miranda, María Teresa |year=1968 |chapter=Inventory of Classificatory Materials |pages=pp.63–78 |title=Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 5: Linguistics |editor=Norman A. McQuown (Volume ed.) |others=R. Wauchope (General Editor) |publisher=University of Texas Press |location=Austin |id=ISBN 0-292-73665-7 |oclc=277126 : cite book |author=aut|Schumacher, Gudrun |coauthors=and aut|Gregor Wolff |year=2004 |month=November |title=Nachlässe, Manuskripte, und Autographen im Besitz des IAI |url=http://www.iai.spk-berlin.de/fileadmin/dokumentenbibliothek/Nachlaesse/200501_Nachlaesse.pdf |format=PDF online document |series=Abteilung 2, Referat 1: Nachlässe und Sondersammlungen |publisher=Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Preußischer Kulturbesitz |location=Berlin |oclc=162302418|accessdate=2008-04-10 de icon: cite web|author=aut|Hirst, K. Kris |year=n.d. |title="Karl Sapper [1886-1945] " |work=Dictionary of Archaeology |url=http://archaeology.about.com/od/sterms/g/sapperk.htm |publisher=About Archaeology |accessdate=2006-12-18

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