Johann Philipp d'Arco

Johann Philipp d'Arco

Johann Philipp d'Arco, Count of Arco (Arco,
May 11, 1652 - Bregenz, February 18, 1704) was a soldier in the service of Austria.

He already had a distinguished 30-years long service when he was ordered by Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden in 1703 to defend Breisach to the last man against a French attack under Villars.

The city was well defended and d'Arco disposed of sufficient soldiers to hold the city for a considerable time; but he capitulated on September 6 after only 13 days of siege. The "key" to Southern Germany fell into enemy hands together with many supplies, guns and ammunition.

D'arco was charged with treason, and beheaded on February 18, 1704.

His second in command Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli was stripped of all honours and his sword was broken over him.


[ Wikisource; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie]

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