James Stirratt Topping Kennedy

James Stirratt Topping Kennedy

James Stirratt Topping Kennedy GC (1930 - 21 December 1973) was a Scottish security guard for British Rail Engineering Limited in Glasgow (St Rollox?) who was posthumously awarded the George Cross when he was killed by armed robbers who were stealing BREL's payroll whilst trying to stop them.

In the early hours of the 21 December 1973, six armed men attacked Security Guards who were moving the British Rail Engineering Works' pay-roll from the Administration Block to various pay-out points within the complex. During the attack two security guards were slightly wounded by shots from a sawn-off shotgun. The robbers then headed towards the main exit of the Works.Mr. Kennedy, who was the security officer on duty at the main gate, heard the shots and knowing that the criminals were armed stood in the gateway in an attempt to prevent their escape. He tackled the first man and prevented him leaving the yard. The intruder was then released by his companions who attacked Mr. Kennedy and stunned him by hitting him about the head with the barrels of their shotguns.At this point the raiders climbed into a van, which one of the gang had driven into position. Mr. Kennedy recovered consciousness and undeterred by his injuries, made another attempt to prevent the criminals' escape by running towards the front passenger door of the van. He was killed by two shots fired from the front passenger seat.It was subsequently revealed that, in addition to the fatal injuries Mr. Kennedy had received two deeply lacerated wounds to the skull during the earlier attack.

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