Le Sauvage

Le Sauvage

name = Call Me Savage
(Le Sauvage)

image_size = 175px
caption= original film poster
director = Jean-Paul Rappeneau
producer = Raymond Danon
Jean-Luc Ormières
writer = Jean-Loup Dabadie
Elisabeth Rappeneau
Jean-Paul Rappeneau
starring = Yves Montand
Catherine Deneuve
cinematography = Pierre Lhomme
Antoine Roch
editing =
distributor = Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation
released = 1975
runtime = 91 min
language = French , English
imdb_id = 0073663
music = Michel Legrand
awards =
budget =

"Le Sauvage" (English title (UK): "Call me Savage") is a 1975 French film starring Yves Montand and Catherine Deneuve.


Just after her engagement with Vittorio, Nelly (Deneuve) runs away from him. As he pursues her, she looks for help to Martin (Montand), a French middle-aged man she met by accident. He helps her to escape and drives her to the airport and gives her a plane ticket to Paris. Returning to his peaceful lonely life on his island, he is dismayed to find that she has stowed away on his boat. When he tries to return Nelly to the mainland she sabotages the boat, causing it to sink. Marooned upon the island, Martin is forced to adapt to his new neighbor, who is determined to stay.

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