Matteo II Visconti

Matteo II Visconti
Matteo II Visconti
Lord of Milan, Lodi, Piacenza, Parma and Bologna
Matteo II Visconti
Matteo II Visconti
Coat of arms
Coat of arms of the House of Visconti, used from 1277
The Visconti coat of arms (1277-1395)
Spouse Egidiola di Filippino of Gonzaga
Father Stefano Visconti
Mother Valentina Doria
Born c. 1319
Died September 29, 1355

Matteo II Visconti (c. 1319 – September 29, 1355) was co-ruler of Milan together with his brothers Galeazzo II and Bernabò.



He was the eldest son of Stefano Visconti and Valentina Doria. In 1342 he married Egidiola di Filippino of Gonzaga.

His uncle Luchino Visconti exiled him to Montferrat in 1346, but in 1350 returned to Milan. As co-ruler of the domain after the death of his uncle Giovanni Visconti (1354), Matteo was given Lodi, Piacenza, Parma and Bologna.

He died after a dinner in which, according to his mother and others, he had been poisoned by his brothers.


See also

Preceded by
Cardinal Giovanni Visconti, Archbishop of Milan
Lord of Milan
with Bernabò Visconti
and Galeazzo II Visconti

Succeeded by
Bernabò Visconti and
Galeazzo II Visconti

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