

Ivars is a surname originated of Iversen, a surname of the Scandinavian countries (specially Norway and Denmark). But it was only documented when the Vikings started colonizing Normandy, in northern France. Ivers and Ivernois are also spelling variations of Iversen.

Not to be mistook with Ivar's the Seafood Restaurant.

Notable Iversen(s)/Ivars

* Johannes Iversen - Danish palaeoecologist and plant ecologist.
* Steffen Iversen - Norwegian football player.
* Trond Iversen - Norwegian cross country skier.
* Felix Iversen - Finnish mathematician and a pacifist.
* Niels Kristian Iversen - Danish motorcycle speedway rider.
* Ann-Marie Ivars - Swedish Folklorist and writer.
* Alexander Ivars - Swedish-speaking Finn, guitarist of the band Sturm und Drang (band).
* Birthe Ivars - Norwegian who works in Norway's ministry of environment and co-chair of the Sub Working Group II (SGW-II) of the Convention on Biological Diversity. [ [http://www.iisd.ca/biodiv/abs-wg3/15february.html ENB @ABS-3 14-18 February, Bangkok, Thailand ] ]

External links

* [http://www.houseofnames.com/coatofarms_details.asp?sId=&s=ivars Ivars in HouseOfNames.com]
* [http://www.houseofnames.com/coatofarms_details.asp?sId=&s=iversen Iversen in HouseOfNames.com] - Notice that both have the same family crests and that one of the spelling variations of "Iversen" is "Ivars".


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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