The young Korean American Network (yKAN) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan organization of 1.5 and 2nd generation Korean-Americans in the New York City area. The organization consists primarily of young professionals from various job industries, as well as academic fields. All members are volunteers who volunteer their time in order to help promote and advance the Korean-American presence in American society.



The young Korean American Network started in 1989, however was official inaugurated in August 30, 1990 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan organization. Their first president, Michael Han, was a founding member who sought to create the organization as a response to the lack of a networking hub for the Korean-American community in New York.

Since its inauguration, the organization has grown in number with over 800 members receiving the organizations newsletters and announcements.

Mission and Objective

The organization's mission

"...is to elevate Korean-American professionals by fostering educational programs, community service, and networking opportunities. Through these activities yKAN addresses the issues of our community and provides a forum for those who share common experiences and face similar challenges."

The organizations' objectives are to

* Create a professional network to facilitate the even exchange of ideas and common goals among all Korean American professionals
* Foster a professional Korean-American presence in our community by sponsoring educational programs and opportunities
* Promote social awareness and activism through community service
* Foster mutual understanding between Korean-Americans and other ethnic groups
* Promote greater opportunities for the current and future generations of all Korean Americans

Board of Directors

Media Coverage

yKAN has appeared in the media various times, most notably for their community service events. These appearances include the following:

[http://ny.christianitydaily.com/news/lif_1952.htm December 18, 2006] - Milal House Visit. Article from "Christian Daily"
[http://www.ykan.org/news/press/2006_01_21_AnnaErica_KoreaTimes.jpgJanuary 21, 2006] - Anna Erica Visit. Scanned article from "The Korea Times"
[http://www.ykan.org/news/press/2006_01_19_KoreaTimes.jpgJanuary 19, 2006] - Media Coverage of guest speaker, Minya Oh ("aka Miss Info"). Scanned article from "The Korea Times"
[http://www.ykan.org/news/press/2005_10_29_FluShot_KoreaTimes.jpgOctober 29, 2005] - Flu Shot Drive. Scanned article from "The Korea Times"
[http://www.ykan.org/news/press/2005_09_17_AnnaErica_KoreaTimes.jpgSeptember 17, 2005] - Anna Erica Visit. Scanned article from "The Korea Times"
[http://ny.koreatimes.com/articleview.asp?id=234273 March 21, 2005] - Milal House Visit. Article from "The Korea Times"
[http://ny.koreatimes.com/articleview.asp?id=227974 February 15, 2005] - Tsunami Relief Fundraiser Event for the 2004 Tsunami that effected Southeast Asia. Article from "The Korea Times"
[http://www.sgtusa.com/Article.asp?ArticleID=35583 February 11, 2005] - Tsunami Relief Fundraiser Event for the 2004 Tsunami that effected Southeast Asia. Article from "The Segye Times"


[http://www.ykan.org yKAN website - official]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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