Palestinian fedayeen — (from the Arabic fidā ī , plural fidā iyūn , فدائيون) refers to militants or guerrillas of a nationalist orientation from among the Palestinian people. Most Palestinians consider the fedayeen to be freedom fighters ,cite book|title= The Design of … Wikipedia
Palestinian prisoners in Israel — mainly refers to Palestinians imprisoned in Israel following apprehension resulting from the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Most prisoners are held after conviction by the Israel Prison Service, which is under the jurisdiction of the Internal… … Wikipedia
Palestinian costumes — are the traditional clothing worn by Palestinians. Foreign travelers to Palestine in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries often commented on the rich variety of the costumes worn, particularly by the fellaheen or village women. Many of… … Wikipedia
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY — (PA, the Palestinian designation being Palestinian National Authority), semi official, self governing Palestinian body established in May 1994 in accordance with the Israel PLO Declaration of Principles (DOP) signed on September 13, 1993 on… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Intifada — Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which began in December 1987 in strong and occasionally violent opposition to continued Israeli occupation of those territories. The Palestinian uprising became a test of wills and policy… … Historical Dictionary of Israel
Palestinian nationalism — is a nationalist ideology which calls for the creation of a Palestinian state in all or part of the former British Mandate of Palestine. Early history The growing weakness of the Ottoman Empire in the last years of the 19th century and the years… … Wikipedia
Palestinian political violence — or Palestinian terrorism refers to acts of violence committed for political reasons by Palestinians. Palestinian groups that support and carry out politically motivated violent acts have included Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Organization… … Wikipedia
Intifada — (انتفاضة intifāḍat ) is an Arabic word for shaking off , though it is generally translated into English as rebellion. According to a 2007 article in the Washington Post , the word intifada crystallized in its current Arabic meaning during the… … Wikipedia
Palestinian National Security Forces — الجيش الفلسطيني Manpower Military age 20–40 Conscription 20 Active personnel 21,000 The Palestinian National Security Forces, also referred to as the presidential guard ( … Wikipedia
Palestinian views on the peace process — Palestinian views of the peace process refer to the views of Palestinians in the ongoing peace talks with Israel. While some Palestinian leaders say that the peace process is intended to achieve a permanent peace with the State of Israel, others… … Wikipedia