- Volaticotherium antiquum
name = "Volaticotherium antiquum"
status = fossil
fossil_range =Late Jurassic /Early Cretaceous
image_width = 250px
image_caption = Life restoration of "Volaticotherium antiquum"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo = Volaticotheria
ordo_authority = Meng "et al.", 2006
familia = Volaticotheriidae
genus = "Volaticotherium"
species = "V. antiquum"
binomial = "Volaticotherium antiquum"
binomial_authority = Meng "et al.", 2006"Volaticotherium antiquum" was an ancient gliding
mammal not closely related to any other mammalian group currently known. It had agliding membrane similar to a modern-dayflying squirrel . The teeth of "Volaticotherium" were highly specialized for eating insects, and its limbs were adapted to living in trees. The gliding membrane (patagium ) was insulated by a thick covering offur , and was supported by the limbs as well as the tail. The discovery of "Volaticotherium" provided the earliest-known record of a gliding mammal (70 million years older than the next oldest example), [cite web | title = Wild Things: Life As We Know It | author=Smithsonian Magazine | publisher= "Smithsonian Magazine "| date=2007 | url= http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/wild_things_feb07.html | accessdate=2008-02-22] and provided further evidence of mammalian diversity during theMesozoic Era."Volaticotherium"
fossil s were recovered from theDaohugou Beds of Ningcheng County,Inner Mongolia ,China . The age of the Daohugou Beds is currently uncertain and the subject of debate — they appear to be either preceding or around theLate Jurassic /Early Cretaceous boundary (c. 140-120 mya).Wang, X., Zhou, Z., He, H., Jin, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Xu, X. & Zhang, F. (2005). "Stratigraphy and age of the Daohugou Bed in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia." "Chinese Science Bulletin", 50(20): 2369-2376.] The description was published in an issue of the journal "Nature".cite journal | author=Meng, J., Hu, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Li, C. | date=Dec 2006 | title=A Mesozoic gliding mammal from northeastern China | journal=Nature | volume=444 | issue=7121 | pages=889–893 | url=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v444/n7121/abs/nature05234.html | doi=10.1038/nature05234 ]References
*Meng, J., Y.-M. Hu, Y.-Q. Wang, X.-L. Wang, and C.-K. Li. 2007. Corrigendum: A Mesozoic gliding mammal from northeastern China. Nature 446:102.External links
* [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v444/n7121/index.html Online article from "Nature", with illustration]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6176061.stm BBC News: Earliest flying mammal discovered]
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/14/science/14mammal.html?_r=1&ref=science&oref=slogin NY Times: Early Mammals Took to the Air, Fossil Suggests]
* [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061213/ap_on_sc/gliding_mammal]
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