

Pozole (from Spanish "pozole", from Nahuatl "potzolli"; variant spellings: posole, pozolé, pozolli) is a traditional pre-Columbian soup or stew from Mexico and New Mexico. It is made from hominy, with pork (or other meat), chile, garbanzo beans and other seasonings and garnish, such as cabbage, lettuce, oregano, radish, cilantro, avocado, lime juice, etc. There are a number of variations on pozole, including "blanco" (white or clear), "verde" (green), "rojo" (red), "de frijol" (with beans), and "elopozole" (sweet corn, squash, and meat).

In modern times, pozole has crossed borders and is popular in the southwestern United States, particularly the state of New Mexico, but becoming well known in other parts of the US as well.Fact|date=August 2008 It (or something like it) has been served for centuries by native cultures in Mexico.

The Mexican cafeteria chain Potzollcalli ("House of Pozole") serves a variety of pozoles, including red, white, green and seafood. However, pozole coming from a restaurant chain is considered by most Mexicans to be inferior to that which is home made, or sold by small street vendors who make a daily limited amount for selling.

Pozole has been adopted as the local cuisine of the Mexican state of Guerrero and later the US state of New Mexico. In Guerrero, it is often eaten with Tostadas smeared with Mexican cream and hot salsa, and breakfast pozole is often accompanied by a shot of homemade mezcal. Green pozole is typically served on Thursday. In New Mexico, pozole is traditionally served on Christmas Eve to celebrate life's blessings. In Colorado, onions are typically used as a garnish instead of radishes. A similar Salvadoran soup called Sopa de Pata has cow's foot in it.

A person who is fond of pozole is known in Mexico as a "pozolero", this is also the name of a person who makes respectable pozole.

An episode of Rick Bayless' PBS television show "" was devoted to pozole, and the pozole of Guerrero state in particular, and included visits to Guerreran "pozolerías", such as shown in the photo.

In the American Southwest, the spelling "posole" is more common and (outside New Mexico) the word is often used as a synonym for hominy. In parts of northern New Mexico some of the native Hispanic people pronounce it with a silent E, "posol". In early autumn in New Mexico, a popular variation on posole is made, called chichos. Instead of hominy it uses fresh corn that has been dried and roasted.

ee also

* Barbacoa
* Birria
* Chicha
* Cochinita pibil
* Mexican cuisine
* Potzolcalli, Mexico City area restaurant chain devoted to Pozole.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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