RS Vareo

RS Vareo

Infobox Sailboat Specifications

numberofcrew = One
loa = 4.25 m
lwl =
beam = 1.57 m
draft =
hull = 68 kg (total 93 kg)
mastheight =
mainsail = 8.8 msu|p=2
jib =
spinnaker = 10 msu|p=2
updated =
The RS Vareo is a modern, singlehanded sailing dinghy widely raced throughout the UK at both club and national level.

It is a unique dinghy manufactured by LDC Racing Sailboats. The Vareo is the only hiking singlehander with an asymmetric spinnaker in production in the UK currently.

Fleets have grown throughout the UK and a lively racing circuit has been developed by the RS Association with sponsored events & championships throughout the UK. The GUL RS Vareo National Championships saw a record fleet of 47 competing at Netley SC in July 2007.

The RS Vareo has a PY of 1050 making it significantly faster than an Olympic Laser. The boat is characterised in having good stability up and downwind, well-mannered handling and enough room in the cockpit to take a friend out when not racing. The addition of the spinnaker ensures the boat is far more exciting & exhilarating than a conventional unarig monohull.

Without the complications of a trapeze, the exceptional handling ensures a broad range of sailors get the most out of their time on the water; without the challenges and pitfalls of a faster asymmetric singlehander.

The builder's current specification

Designer Phil Morrison 2001

Hull construction Polyester GRP with Coremat

Spars Composite top and alloy lower mast. Aluminium alloy boom. Aluminium alloy bowsprit.

Sails Mylar mainsail. Twin patch cross cut spinnaker.

Foils Reinforced moulded daggerboard and lifting rudder.

External links

* [ The UK RS Class Association]
* [ RS Racing Sailboats Info]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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