Geoffrey Sauer

Geoffrey Sauer

name = Geoffrey Sauer

caption = Geoffrey Sauer, presenting at an IEEE Conference
birth_date = October 10, 1968
birth_place = Bloomington, Indiana
occupation = Professor, Iowa State University
title = Director,
website =

Geoffrey Sauer (born 1968, Bloomington, Indiana) is an American new media theorist who researches technologies including open source software and collaborative multimedia development in the context of the history of publishing. He is the director of the open-access electronic text archive the EServerFact|date=June 2007, an electronic text archive, which is according to Alexa the most popular website in the arts and humanities.cite web | title=Alexa: Humanities: Most Popular | year = 2007 | accessdate = 2007-05-10 | url= ] He is also the director of the [ Studio for New Media] at Iowa State University, as well as an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Professional Communication in the ISU [ English Department] .


Sauer was born in 1968 in Bloomington, Indiana, and grew up from age three in Mobile, Alabama, the son of an English professor (David) and an academic librarian (Janice). He began working at age eight on his father's accounts on PDP-11 and VAX-11 750 minicomputers at his father's university.


Sauer attended the University of Notre Dame's Honors Program and there was influenced by the work of scholars such as Antonio Gramsci, Jacques Derrida, Pierre Bourdieu and Louis Althusser. In 1990 he moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to study at Carnegie Mellon University and in 1998 received a PhD in Literary and Cultural Theory, [ English Department - Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies ] ] with a dissertation about miscommunication between employees and managers in 1990s Internet projects, and its origins in British and French publishing history.Fact|date=June 2007

While he was at Carnegie Mellon, he was a founding member (and later, director) of the English Server (later the EServer), which he led to publish writings in arts and humanities free of charge online.

In 1998 he received a postdoctoral fellowship at CMU. In 2000 he took a faculty position at the University of Washington-Seattle.cite news | last1=Leatherman | first1=Courtney | last2=Heller | first2=David | title=Peer Review: Scholar Takes Advantage of Hot Job Market for New-Media Experts | pages= | date= | newspaper=Chronicle of Higher Education | date=2000-01-27 | accessdate = 2007-06-20 | url= ] In 2003 he moved to the [ Rhetoric and Professional Communication program] at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where he remains to the present day.cite web title=ISU RPC Faculty | url= | date=2000-06-20 | accessdate = 2007-06-20 ]


Sauer's scholarly research study how material circumstances from the history of publishing have both hampered and facilitated contemporary open-access publishing ventures.

Sauerr has argued that U.S. publishing is dominated by interests that are decreasingly interested in publishing books that won't sell a lot of copies, greatly reducing academic book choices in the sciences and humanities and leading to increasing commodification of academic knowledges.cite web | last=Gannaway | first=Gloria | title=Online Communities: Commerce, Community Action, and the Virtual University | journal=Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies | year = 2003 | url =]

Since 2003 he has written increasingly often about professional writing,cite journal | last = Haselkorn | first = Mark P. | coauthors = Geoffrey Sauer, Jennifer Turns, Deborah L. Illman, Michio Tsutsui, Carolyn Plumb, Tom Williams, Beth Kolko, and Jan Spyridakis | title = Expanding the Scope of Technical Communication: Examples from the Department of Technical Communication at the University of Washington | journal = Technical Communication | volume = 50 | issue = 2 | pages = 174(18) | publisher = Society for Technical Communication | date = 2003-05-01 | url = | accessdate = 2007-04-25 ] arguing for the historic increase of openness in a range of workplace communication practices, and the increasing importance of open, database-driven, professional resources.cite journal | last=Kudesia | first=Saurabh | title=Rendezvous with KnowGenesis: Geoffrey Sauer | journal=International Journal for Technical Communication | year = 2007 | url = [] =63&path [] =83]

Sauer is the founder and director of The EServer, an open-access online publishing project in the arts and humanities.cite web | last = Gieseke | first = Dave | title = The Choice of Millions | publisher = Iowa State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | date = 2005-12-04 | url = | accessdate = 2007-04-24 ]


In addition to his online work, some of his writings in print include:
* " [ Bad Subjects] ", based in Berkeley, CA, touted as the first leftist publication on the Internet (originally published via gopher)
*"Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life" (New York University Press, 1998)
*"Online Communities: Commerce, Community Action, and the Virtual University." (Pearson Education, 2001)
*'コミュニティ、コースウェア、' In "オンライン・コミュニティ: eコマース、教育オンライン、非営利オンライン 活動の最先端レポート". Chris Werry and Miranda Mowbray, eds. Ken'ich Ikeda, Ed. Supervisor. Midori Shimoda, Kiichi Obata, Ko Ito and Yumiko Koiwa, translators. (Tokyo: Pearson Education Japan, 2003)

ources and notes

External links

* [ Geoffrey Sauer]
* [ ISU English Department: Geoffrey Sauer]

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