Invasion of Trentino (1866)

Invasion of Trentino (1866)

The Invasion of Trentino was a series of military operation led by Italian and Austrian troops during the Third Italian Independence War of 1866, part of the more general Austro-Prussian War.


At the outbreak of the Italian Third Independence War (June 23 1866), Giuseppe Garibaldi received the order to establish onto the long frontline that connected Lombardy to Trentino with his volunteer force, called Hunters of the Alps.

Garibaldi initially could muster only 4 battalions of volunteers, although in the end he managed to obtain some 38,000 men, which were to face the roughly 15,000 Austrian regulars under general baron Franz von Kuhn. These were supported by the fleets on the Lake Garda.

First actions

Garibaldi's men started the fights on June 21 1866. After some initial minor clashes, on June 25 they were however ordered to retreat to the south-western tip of the Lake, due to the Italian defeat at the Battle of Custoza. As the Austrians did not pursue the Italians, on July 3 Garibaldi returned on the offensive, but was wounded during an attack to an enemy mountain position. The volunteers could however enter in the Trentino territory, and on July 12 occupied Storo and Condino.

Contemporarily, actions took also place near the Tonale Pass, where 3,000 Austrians had established themselves on the line between Vezza d'Oglio and Temù. Here (battle of Vezza d'Oglio, July 4) they pushed back an attack of Italian regular "Bersaglieri", which suffered heavy losses. On July 2 an Austrian column had also crossed the Stelvio Pass and captured Bormio and the Mortirolo, but was later beat back by a force of the Italian National Guard (see Operations in Valtellina (1866)).


Although apparently feeble, the Austrian moves were part of a larger offensive thought by Kuhn which was to outflank Garibaldi position from Lardaro and Bezzecca. On July 16 an Austrian column ousted the Italians from Cimego. Three columns were now encircling the Italians at Condino, but Garibaldi took advantage of the numerical superiority of his men and of the strength of his position to defeat the attackers (July 16), which retreated to their starting positions.

In the following days the Italians marched northwards until, on July 20, they occupied Bezzecca. As the Austrians had suffered a decisive defeat at the Battle of Sadowa, Kuhn had a few days remaining before part of his troops were sent to the defence of Vienna. Furthermore, profiting of the favourable situations, the Italians were now advancing also on the southern front, and a division under Giacomo Medici has been sent from Padua to fight its way toward Trento.

Battle of Bezzecca

Two Austrian columns met with the Hunters of the Alps at the Battle of Bezzecca (July 21). After some initial success, Garibaldi's counterattacks forced them to retreat also from Cimego and Condino.

The Italian commander has now the road open towards Trento, as also Medici had successfully swept the Austrian troops from Valsugana, reaching Civezzano, not far from Trento, on July 25. Kuhn was preparing to be besieged in Trento, and had received orders to concentrate on the defense of Alto Adige in case of defeat.

On July 25 and 26 the Italians attacked near Riva del Garda, but were defetead. However, a truce signed on July 24, ended the operations. On August 9 the Italian troops received the order to leave Trentino, as a treaty of peace between Italy and Austria was incoming. Garibaldi, from the square of Bezzecca, replied with his famous: "Obbedisco!" ("I obey!"). Hostilities ceased with the Armistice of Cormons (August 12 1866).


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