15th Canadian Ministry

15th Canadian Ministry

The Fifteenth Canadian Ministry was the cabinet chaired by Prime Minister R. B. Bennett. It governed Canada from 7 August 1930 to 23 October 1935, including only the 17th Canadian Parliament. The government was formed by the old Conservative Party of Canada.


* R. B. Bennett
* Charles Cahan
* Maurice Dupré
* Alfred Duranleau
* William Gordon Ernst
* Onésime Gagnon
* George Reginald Geary
* Lucien Henri Gendron
* Samuel Gobeil
* Wesley Ashton Gordon
* Hugh Guthrie
* Richard Hanson
* Earl Lawson
* Murray MacLaren
* John Alexander Macdonald (Prince Edward Island politician)
* Robert James Manion
* Robert Charles Matthews
* Arthur Meighen
* Thomas Gerow Murphy
* George Halsey Perley
* Edgar Nelson Rhodes
* Gideon Robertson
* William Earl Rowe
* Edmond Baird Ryckman
* Arthur Sauvé
* Henry Herbert Stevens
* Hugh Alexander Stewart
* Grote Stirling
* Donald Matheson Sutherland
* Robert Weir


*Cite web|author=Government of Canada|publisher=Privy Council Office |title=Fifteenth Ministry |work=Guide to Canadian Ministries since Confederation |url=http://www.pco-bcp.gc.ca/default.asp?Language=E&Page=Publications&doc=min/min_15_e.htm|accessdate=2006-11-09


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