- Ted Gaines
Ted Gaines (born
April 25 ,1958 inRoseville, CA ) is a Californian politician, representing the 4th District in theCalifornia State Assembly . The 4th district is centered on the suburbs of Placer County which are located east ofSacramento . He succeeded longtime local politician Tim Leslie in the post.Political Philosophy and Views
A Republican, Gaines is an opponent of what he describes as "big government social programs." [Ted Gaines for Assembly Homepage. http://www.tedgaines.com/about/] Gaines, a local businessman and homeschooling proponent, holds views on issues that can be generally classified as conservative, which puts him in line with the area's leanings (Placer County has not voted for a Democratic nominee for President since
Hubert Humphrey ).According to the Sacramento Bee, Gaines opposes driver's licenses for illegal immigrants, believes in building more prisons before focusing on rehabilitation, and opposes campaign finance reform. [A Voter's Guide - 4th Assembly District - Ted Gaines. The Sacramento Bee. http://www.sacbee.com/755/story/37480.html] He took office in December 2006.
Private Sector
Gaines is the owner of Point West Insurance which makes its headquarters in the Point West business park district of Sacramento.
2008 Election
Mr. Gaines formed an exploratory committee in Fall of 2007 to run against longtime congressman
John Doolittle , who many Republicans feared could not win reelection due to a number of scandals. However before Doolittle announced he was retiring, Gaines announced he had decided to instead run for a second term in the State Assembly.Private Life
Assemblyman Gaines and his wife Beth live in Roseville (where the Assemblyman's family has resided for five generations) with their 6 children -- 5 girls and 1 boy.
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