Sally Po

Sally Po

Infobox animanga character
name = Sally Po
series = Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

caption = Sally Po, as seen in "Gundam Wing Episode 8: The Treize Assassination"
first =
last =
creator =
voiced by = Yumi Touma (JPN)
Moneca Stori (ENG; ep. 3-12)
Samantha Ferris (ENG; ep. 20-49, EW)
alias = Preventer Water [EW]
age = 19 [ [19] ]
born = AC 176
death =
nationality = 1/4 Chinese
relatives =
divider = yes
aux1 name = Allegiance
aux1 = UESA, Sanc Kingdom [GW]
Preventers [EW]
aux2 name = Rank
aux2 = Major (UESA)
aux3 name = Mobile weapons
aux3 = OZ-06MS Leo
OZ-09MMS Pisces

nihongo|Sally Po|サリィ・ポォ|Sarī Pō is a secondary character in the fictional anime and manga series "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing". Originally a medical officer in the Alliance Military, Sally becomes first a resistance fighter (against OZ), and then a Preventer. She is voiced by Yumi Touma (JPN), Moneca Stori (ENG; ep. 3-12), and Samantha Ferris (ENG; ep. 20-49, EW).

In "Gundam Wing", Sally comes in contact with many of the other prominent characters in the story, and offers her support to Heero Yuy, Lucrezia Noin, and Wufei Chang. Sally and Noin become fast friends, and Sally finds in Wufei a kindred soul, a warrior in search of peace.


Sally played a part in Chang Wufei's story during the events of Episode Zero. Sally was in charge of the Alliance's operation to decommission Wufei's home colony A0206 by using Biological weapons to murder that colony's inhabitants. However Sally who was against the operation tried to convince General Septem not to go through this extremist action of genocide seeing as how inhumane it was. However, despite her suggestions for a more humane approach, General Septem refused to listen and pointed out the inhabitants of A0206 are a dangerous rogue element that needed to be exterminated to preserve the peace of the Earth Sphere.

However after Wufei and the XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam succeeded in destroying the canisters, Sally decided to pull back and falsely report that the mission was a success to help protect the lives of A0206's inhabitants by stating that no one lives in that colony in her report. After that Sally was transferred to work in an Alliance Medical Center in the South J.A.P. Area.

Gundam Wing

Originally Sally's first encounter with the Gundam pilots when Relena Darlian brought in an injured Heero Yuy for medical treatment and it is there that Sally was amazed on how Heero's body was recovering, where although he had numerous broken bones and bruises the only visible wound she could find was from the gunshot wounds that Heero had received. When Relena arrived to check on Heero, Sally met with her and they talked about Heero and when Duo Maxwell came to break Heero out, Sally watched as the two escaped.

Later after OZ began their mission to wipe out the Alliance forces, Sally and her unit survived and they discovered OZ's plot to eliminate the Gundam pilots by detonating the missiles at the New Edwards base. Although they were unable to prevent OZ from activating the self-destruct function on the missiles, Sally was able to contact Heero through a loudspeaker to tell him, Duo, and Quatre Raberba Winner about the missiles, which Heero was able to stop.

After that Sally became a rebel faction leader and continued her fight against OZ and it was then that she met a troubled Wufei who was still suffering over his previous loss to OZ's leader Treize Khushrenada. Although Wufei believed that weak people like Sally shouldn't fight, Sally was prepared to sacrifice herself to show Wufei the importance of their will to fight, which helped him recover from his loss to Treize. Afterwards Sally pointed out to Wufei that true strength came from the heart and that she would continue in her fight against OZ.

When the Gundam Pilots returned to space, Sally focused on recovering the Gundams that were left behind on Earth. She first raided an OZ storage facility, where the remains of the XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock were stored and attempted with no success to blow it up. However the arrival of Auda, Ahmed, and Abdul of the Maganac Corps complicated her mission and she was prepared to blow up their transport plane which had the Sandrock's remains. Auda sensing that she wasn't an enemy convinced Sally that they are only going to take the remains to their base and rebuild it for their master Quatre. Sally then recovered the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam, but was captured shortly afterwards by OZ, but had sunk the transport plane she was using to transport the Wing Gundam. While held in confinement, Sally verified that the rumors of the Gundam Pilots returning to Earth was true since OZ was keeping her alive to verify the plane's contents. While breaking free Sally was assisted by former OZ pilot Lucrezia Noin and the two worked together and recovered the Wing Gundam. Sally chose to let Noin have it, correctly surmising that Noin was representing the Sanc Kingdom, the only nation that was opposing the actions of the Romefeller Foundation. In Episode 35, Sally who is one of Noin's contacts gave Noin information that the Maguanac Corps had the Gundam Sandrock which Noin immediately passed on to Quatre.

Eventually at some point Sally recovered the XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms and delivered it to Heero at a spaceport where he was preparing on heading back to space, and she went with him. After picking up Wufei along the way they made it to Peacemillion where Noin and the other Gundam pilots were. For the remainder of the war, Sally served as a commanding officer on Peacemillion. In the final battle against the White Fang, Sally was able to get Peacemillion to ram into Libra to disable its main cannon before and she and the rest of the crew evacuated to MO-II where they watched the final battle between Heero and Zechs Merquise.


After the war Sally joined the Preventer Agency and was partnered with her old comrade Noin. Sally was working on investigating the Neo-Titanium from Colony X-18999 but was unable to prevent the uprising of the Mariemaia Army. Sally and Noin then backed up Heero and Duo as the two were preparing to enter X-18999. Shortly afterwards Sally sneaked into X-18999 and took care of the soldiers on the colony with knockout gas and freed the captured civilians. After the Mariemaia Army was dissolved, Sally observed Wufei self-destructing his XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam and offered to have him join her as a Preventer agent which Wufei accepted.


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