Michael Tomczyk

Michael Tomczyk
Michael Tomczyk

Michael S. Tomczyk is best known for his role in the development and marketing of the Commodore VIC-20, the first microcomputer to sell one million units; and for his early role as a pioneer in telecomputing.

More broadly, he has come to be known as a technology futurist through his activities as Managing Director of the Mack Center for Technological Innovation at the Wharton School, which he joined in 1995.


The Home Computer Wars

In early 1980, Tomczyk joined Commodore as Marketing Strategist and Assistant to the President (Commodore founder Jack Tramiel). When Tramiel announced that he wanted to develop a low cost affordable home computer “for the masses, not the classes,” Tomczyk embraced the concept and aggressively championed the new computer, insisting that it be “user friendly.” Tomczyk and Tramiel named the new computer the “VIC-20” and set the price at $299.95. Tomczyk was given the additional title of “VIC Czar” (at a time when Washington had an “Energy Czar”).

Tomczyk recruited a product management team called the “VIC Commandos” and implemented a variety of innovations including a unique user manual, programming reference guide (which he co-authored), software on tape and cartridge, as well as a distinctive array of packaging, print ads and marketing materials. The new computer was introduced at Seibu Department Store as the VIC-1001 in Tokyo in September 1980, and as the VIC-20 at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1981; and subsequently in Canada, Europe and Asia.

In 1981, Tomczyk established the Commodore Information Network, an early implementation of an Internet-style user community. To enable adoption of telecomputing, he contracted the design of the VICModem, which became the first modem priced under $100, and the first to sell one million units, and negotiated free telecomputing services from CompuServe, The Source (online service) and Dow Jones. In 1982, the Commodore network was the largest traffic “site” on CompuServe.

The VIC-20 was followed by the more powerful Commodore 64. These computers introduced millions of people worldwide to home computing and telecomputing, and laid the foundation for ubiquitous worldwide computing. Tomczyk's experiences are described in his 1984 book, "The Home Computer Wars."*

Tomczyk left Commodore in 1984, six months after Jack Tramiel left the company. He subsequently served as a consultant to technology startups and international trade projects. He was a contributing editor of Export Today Magazine for nearly 10 years, and has written more than 150 articles including computer magazine columns (Compute! and Compute!'s Gazette, 1980–85), a business newspaper column, and numerous magazine articles.

The Wharton Years

In 1995 he joined the Wharton School as Managing Director of the Emerging Technologies Management Research Program at the Wharton School, where he worked with a core group of faculty to develop a major management research program. The program subsequently became the Mack Center for Technological Innovation, which sponsors academic research and insight-building events to help organizations compete, survive and succeed in technology-driven industries.

As Managing Director of the Mack Center, Tomczyk serves as a bridge between academia and industry partners. In 1997 he originated an annual event called the Emerging Technologies Update Day, which showcases radical innovations looming on the near horizon. In 2000 he helped launch the BioSciences Crossroads Initiative in the Mack Center and in 2006 co-authored (with Paul J. H. Schoemaker) a major research report entitled: “The Future of BioSciences: Four Scenarios for 2020 and Their Implications for Human Healthcare” (May 2006). He has also written about gene therapy and a variety of other technologies. In 2010 (despite the recession) he led the recruitment of 10 new industry partners in the Mack Center, including General Motors, Lockheed-Martin, NASA, etc. Michael edits the Mack Center's website and an electronic newsletter launched in 2010; and teaches sessions on radical innovation in the Wharton Executive Education Program.

In 2011, he authored a chapter entitled "Applying the Marketing Mix (5 P's) to Bionanotechnology" in the book "Biomedical Nanotechnology" (Springer 2011).

He currently serves on the leadership committee for the IEEE/IEC initiative which is developing standards for Nanotechnology; he also serves on the advisory group for the Advanced Computing department at Temple University; and on the Commercialization Core committee developing translational medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School.

Since joining Wharton in 1995 Tomczyk has helped launch five successful technology startups, as an advisor and/or board member. During the 1990s he helped corporations develop and implement their Internet strategies. He advises companies and government agencies on international technology projects and the impact of disruptive technologies. He keynotes two or three industry events each year on emerging technologies and innovation strategies; and teaches sessions in the Executive Education program at the Wharton School. He is writing a book on nanotechnology (for managers) that will be published in 2011. He posts examples of radical innovations, and insights on innovation strategy, on his personal website.

Military Service. Michael Tomczyk served three years in the U.S. Army (1970-73 - highest rank Captain), working for military commands including the XVIII Airborne Corps (Ft. Bragg), lst Signal Brigade (Vietnam) and USASTRATCOM/United Nations Command (Korea). As Public Information Officer at Fort Bragg, he helped launch the Volunteer Army (VOLAR) which was being piloted in 1970. He was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service in Vietnam (1971–72) and received the Army Commendation Medal for service in Korea (1973). He served in the Army Reserve after active duty.

Education. He holds an M.B.A. from U.C.L.A. and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, where he received a Distinguished Alumni Award. He earned a master's degree in environmental studies from the University of Pennsylvania in May 2010 (focus: technological solutions to environmental problems).

Notes and references

  • Tomczyk, Michael (2011). "Applying the Marketing Mix (5 P's) to Bionanotechnology". Biomedical Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols, Sarah Hurst (ed.), ISBN 978-1-61779-051-5.
  • Schoemaker, Paul J.H. and Tomczyk, Michael (2006). The Future of BioSciences: Four Scenarios for 2020 and Their Implications for Human Healthcare.
  • Tomczyk, Michael (1984). The Home Computer Wars: An Insider's Account of Commodore and Jack Tramiel. COMPUTE! Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-942386-75-2.
  • A.Persidis and M.Tomczyk, Critical Issues in Commercialization of Gene Therapy. Nature Biotechnology, Vol 15, p. 689-690, 1997.


  • [1] - Frost & Sullivan summary
  • [2] - 1996 Interview
  • [3] - Commodore and Japan/2004 Interview
  • [4] - Commodore VIC-20
  • Commodore VIC-20 - Commodore VIC-20 (Wikipedia)

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