Pack it in, pack it out

Pack it in, pack it out

Pack it In, Pack it Out (variably "Carry in, Carry out") is a waste management philosophy of environmentalism that states whatsoever a person brings into a natural area must be taken out of the area when the person leaves.

The idea is to remove all forms of litter and biodegradable waste from the natural area for proper disposal so that the materials will cause no harm to the natural resources of the ecosystem. The philosophy is an integral point of the Minimal impact code and is typically practiced by environmentalists, naturalists, and conservationists who partake in camping, hiking, trekking, fishing, and other activities that involve entering wilderness areas.

External links

* [ United States Bureau of Land Management]
* [ The Backpacker]
* [ Leave No Trace]

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  • pack something out — carry something away rather than leaving it behind (used esp. with respect to refuse at remote campsites) pack out any garbage you have left * * * ˌpack sthˈout derived (of shows, performers, etc.) to attract enough people to completely fill a… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • pack out — [phrasal verb] pack out (a place) Brit : to cause (a place) to be filled with people The band still packs out stadiums throughout the world. : to fill (a place) Over 600 people packed out the theatre. • • • Main Entry: ↑pack …   Useful english dictionary

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  • pack — Ⅰ. pack [1] ► NOUN 1) a cardboard or paper container and the items inside it. 2) Brit. a set of playing cards. 3) a collection of related documents. 4) a group of animals that live and hunt together. 5) chiefly derogatory a group or set of… …   English terms dictionary

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  • pack´age|a|ble — pack|age «PAK ihj», noun, adjective, verb, aged, ag|ing. –n. 1. a bundle of things packed or wrapped together; box with things packed in it; parcel: »a package of books, a package of laundry. SYNONYM(S): packet, bale. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • pack|age — «PAK ihj», noun, adjective, verb, aged, ag|ing. –n. 1. a bundle of things packed or wrapped together; box with things packed in it; parcel: »a package of books, a package of laundry. SYNONYM(S): packet, bale. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

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