pack something out — carry something away rather than leaving it behind (used esp. with respect to refuse at remote campsites) pack out any garbage you have left * * * ˌpack sthˈout derived (of shows, performers, etc.) to attract enough people to completely fill a… … Useful english dictionary
pack something out — N. Amer. pack something up and take it away. → pack … English new terms dictionary
pack — pack1 noun 1》 a cardboard or paper container and the items contained within it. ↘a quantity of foods packed or canned in a particular season. 2》 a collection of related documents. ↘Brit. a set of playing cards. ↘chiefly derogatory a… … English new terms dictionary
pack — 01. His mother was very upset when she found a [pack] of cigarettes in his pants pocket while she was doing the laundry. 02. He lifted his [pack] onto his shoulders, and set off down the trail. 03. Don t forget to [pack] a lunch today. 04. It… … Grammatical examples in English
pack out — [phrasal verb] pack out (a place) Brit : to cause (a place) to be filled with people The band still packs out stadiums throughout the world. : to fill (a place) Over 600 people packed out the theatre. • • • Main Entry: ↑pack … Useful english dictionary
Out in the Fields (song) — Out in the Fields Single by Gary Moore and Phil Lynott from the album … Wikipedia
pack — Ⅰ. pack [1] ► NOUN 1) a cardboard or paper container and the items inside it. 2) Brit. a set of playing cards. 3) a collection of related documents. 4) a group of animals that live and hunt together. 5) chiefly derogatory a group or set of… … English terms dictionary
pack´ag|er — pack|age «PAK ihj», noun, adjective, verb, aged, ag|ing. –n. 1. a bundle of things packed or wrapped together; box with things packed in it; parcel: »a package of books, a package of laundry. SYNONYM(S): packet, bale. 2 … Useful english dictionary
pack´age|a|ble — pack|age «PAK ihj», noun, adjective, verb, aged, ag|ing. –n. 1. a bundle of things packed or wrapped together; box with things packed in it; parcel: »a package of books, a package of laundry. SYNONYM(S): packet, bale. 2 … Useful english dictionary
pack|age — «PAK ihj», noun, adjective, verb, aged, ag|ing. –n. 1. a bundle of things packed or wrapped together; box with things packed in it; parcel: »a package of books, a package of laundry. SYNONYM(S): packet, bale. 2 … Useful english dictionary