Energetic space

Energetic space

In mathematics, more precisely in functional analysis, an energetic space is, intuitively, a subspace of a given real Hilbert space equipped with a new "energetic" inner product. The motivation for the name comes from physics, as in many physical problems the energy of a system can be expressed in terms of the energetic inner product. An example of this will be given later in the article.

Energetic space

Formally, consider a real Hilbert space X with the inner product (cdot|cdot) and the norm |cdot|. Let Y be a linear subspace of X and B:Y o X be a strongly monotone symmetric linear operator, that is, a linear operator satisfying

* (Bu|v)=(u|Bv), for all u, v in Y
* (Bu|u) ge c|u|^2 for some constant c>0 and all u in Y.

The energetic inner product is defined as :(u|v)_E =(Bu|v), for all u,v in Yand the energetic norm is:|u|_E=(Bu|u)^frac{1}{2}_E , for all u in Y.

The set Y together with the energetic inner product is a pre-Hilbert space. The energetic space X_E is defined as the completion of Y in the energetic norm. X_E can be considered a subset of the original Hilbert space X, since any Cauchy sequence in the energetic norm is also Cauchy in the norm of X (this follows from the strong monotonicity property of B).

The energetic inner product is extended from Y to X_E by: (u|v)_E = lim_{n oinfty} (u_n|v_n)_Ewhere (u_n) and (v_n) are sequences in "Y" that converge to points in X_E in the energetic norm.

Energetic extension

The operator B admits an energetic extension B_E

:B_E:X_E o X^*_E

defined on X_E with values in the dual space X^*_E that is given by the formula

:langle B_E u | v angle_E = (u|v)_E for all u,v in X_E.

Here, langle cdot |cdot angle_E denotes the duality bracket between X^*_E and X_E, so langle B_E u | v angle_E actually denotes (B_E u)(v).

If u and v are elements in the original subspace Y, then

:langle B_E u | v angle_E = (u|v)_E = (Bu|v)

by the definition of the energetic inner product. If one views Bu, which is an element in X, as an element in the dual X* via the Riesz representation theorem, then Bu will also be in the dual X_E^* (by the strong monotonicity property of B). Via these identifications, it follows from the above formula that B_E u= Bu. In different words, the original operator B:Y o X can be viewed as an operator B:Y o X_E^*, and then B_E:X_E o X^*_E is simply the function extension of B from Y to X_E.

An example from physics

Consider a string whose endpoints are fixed at two points a on the real line (here viewed as a horizontal line). Let the vertical outer force density at each point x (ale x le b) on the string be f(x)mathbf{e}, where mathbf{e} is a unit vector pointing vertically and f: [a, b] o mathbb R. Let u(x) be the deflection of the string at the point x under the influence of the force. Assuming that the deflection is small, the elastic energy of the string is

: frac{1}{2} int_a^b! u'(x)^2, dx

and the total potential energy of the string is

: F(u) = frac{1}{2} int_a^b! u'(x)^2,dx - int_a^b! u(x)f(x),dx.

The deflection u(x) minimizing the potential energy will satisfy the differential equation

: -u"=f,

with boundary conditionss


To study this equation, consider the space X=L^2(a, b), that is, the Lp space of all square integrable functions u: [a, b] o mathbb R in respect to the Lebesgue measure. This space is Hilbert in respect to the inner product

: (u|v)=int_a^b! u(x)v(x),dx,

with the norm being given by

: |u|=sqrt{(u|u)}.

Let Y be the set of all twice continuously differentiable functions u: [a, b] o mathbb R with the boundary conditionss u(a)=u(b)=0. Then Y is a linear subspace of X.

Consider the operator B:Y o X given by the formula

: Bu = -u",,

so the deflection satisfies the equation Bu=f. Using integration by parts and the boundary conditions, one can see that

: (Bu|v)=-int_a^b! u"(x)v(x), dx=int_a^b u'(x)v'(x) = (u|Bv)

for any u and v in Y. Therefore, B is a symmetric linear operator.

B is also strongly monotone, since, by the Friedrichs' inequality

: |u|^2 = int_a^b u^2(x), dx le C int_a^b u'(x)^2, dx = C,(Bu|u)

for some C>0.

The energetic space in respect to the operator B is then the Sobolev space H^1_0(a, b). We see that the elastic energy of the string which motivated this study is

: frac{1}{2} int_a^b! u'(x)^2, dx = frac{1}{2} (u|u)_E,

so it is half of the energetic inner product of u with itself.

To calculate the deflection u minimizing the total potential energy F(u) of the string, one writes this problem in the form

:(u|v)_E=(f|v), for all v in X_E.

Next, one usually approximates u by some u_h, a function in a finite-dimensional subspace of the true solution space. For example, one might let u_h be a continuous piecewise-linear function in the energetic space, which gives the finite element method. The approximation u_h can be computed by solving a linear system of equations.

The energetic norm turns out to be the natural norm in which to measure the error between u and u_h, see Céa's lemma.

ee also

* Inner product space
* Positive definite kernel


*cite book
last = Zeidler
first = Eberhard
title = Applied functional analysis: applications to mathematical physics
publisher = New York: Springer-Verlag
date = 1995
pages =
isbn = 0387944427

*cite book
last = Johnson
first = Claes
title = Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method
publisher = Cambridge University Press
date = 1987
pages =
isbn = 0521345146

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