- Fleet Admiral (science fiction)
:"Please see "
Fleet Admiral " for other versions of the rankThe rank of Fleet Admiral is common in manyscience fiction sources as a senior military officer who commands a fleet of spaceships and the rank has been mentioned in numerous films, television productions, and science fiction literature sources.The following are some of the more common occurrences of the Fleet Admiral rank within the realm of science fiction.
tar Trek
In the fictional universe of
Star Trek , Fleet Admiral is the highest commissioned rank of theStarfleet . As early as ', "Fleet Admiral" was used as a generic title to describe any Admiral of Starfleet. It was not until ' that an actual Fleet Admiral was seen on camera, being the character of Fleet Admiral Morrow played by actorRobert Hooks . Three other Fleet Admirals would be seen in subsequent motion pictures.In "", the rank of Fleet Admiral again became generic, often used to describe any Admiral appearing on the show.
tar Wars
In the Imperial Navy of
Star Wars , Fleet Admiral is considered a senior Imperial military rank for those who command sector fleets or task forces. Due to the size of the Imperial Navy, however, the necessity exists for even higher ranks. As such, most Fleet Admirals answer to aHigh Admiral who in turn answers to a Moff, Grand Moff, or Supreme Moff.Imperial Grand Admirals and Grand Generals are specially appointed and outrank all personnel, military and civil, save Emperor Palpatine and his appointed executors.
The insignia for an Imperial Fleet Admiral is six blue and red squares in a rectangle design. High Admirals use the same rank badge, but only wear one code cylinder while Fleet Admirals wear two.
An old style insignia for Fleet Admiral, used during the time of the first
Death Star , comprised a single line of six red squares with three code cylinders. This was also the insignia forHigh General , the Imperial Army equivalent of Fleet Admiral. High General Tagge, of the first Death Star, wore the old style Fleet Admiral/High General insignia, while Fleet Admirals Piett and Ozzel, of Darth Vader's Task Force wore the later insignia version. However, both Admirals Ozzel and Piett can be seen wearing one code cylinder on their right shoulder and two on their left, rather than just having one cylinder on each side. It can be argued that the uniforms seen in Episode V portray the true code cylinder count for a fleet admiral based on film canon.Ender's Game
In the novel
Ender's Game , a child soldier namedEnder Wiggin is conscripted into aBattle School for gifted youths. During what Ender believes to be a final exam scenario, he is actually placed in command of a starfleet that proceeds to destroy a menacing alien race, all the while with Ender believing that his command of this fleet is only a simulation. After learning the truth, Ender is told that he has been promoted to Fleet Admiral, and thus holds the rank at an age of no more than twelve years old.
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