- Eco-warrior
The term eco-warrior is sometimes a self description for environmental
activist that adopts a 'hands on' effort to save or salvage a plot of land, or to advance someecological ideology. In the UK it was the media that coined the term in the 90s, a label that many people actively taking ecological direct action resisted, for philosophical reasons.Eco-warriors are individuals who care for our environment through their activities and decision making. A common symbol of an eco-warrior is the
Eco Warriors Flag .Another use of the term refers to an environmental activist who engages in illegal activities, also known as
eco-terrorism . However, an eco-warrior is also someone who utilizes thecourt s to halt, suspend, or otherwise derail a human activity that the activist believes adversely impacts the environment.Types
An eco-warrior can be someone as mundane and non-confrontational as a
tree sitter or someone who engages indirect action , ranging anywhere from plantingtree spikes into trees on public lands, to keep the lumber industry from cutting them down, to sit-ins which occupy a corporate office. Also, an eco-warrior can be someone who engages in an environmental organisation (e.g. Greenpeace) or an environmental company that delivers safekeeping/improvements for the environment (e.g. directly by selling environmental products as environmentally friendly cars, ... or indirectly by carbon dioxide offsets).Connotiation
The term eco-warrior often has a negative conation when referred to in the media as well as in the minds of the general public, as highlighted above the general view is of people sitting in trees or clambering on the back of airplanes at Heathrow airport, but there is another form of eco-warrior appearing on the horizon and that is the Eco Warrior in a Suit. These people come from many different industries, IT, Service Sector, Media and Telecoms to name a few and they are committed to reversing the detrimental impact mankind has had, and is continuing to have upon the planet. These warriors wear suits as their uniform and they drive change in corporate organisations by focusing minds and actions on conducting business in a more sustainable manner.
The Shadoran Movement
SHADORAN MOVEMENT is a social and environmental movement based on the philosophy and ideals of simple living, local economies, and self-sufficiency (often associated with the ideologies of socialism, communalism, and sustainability). Those involved would usually refer to themselves as Eco-warriors. The principal or slogan which is regularly used during debates is ‘I’m not only a tree hugger but a air breather just like you’. (Azhuric Zirus - 2007, Australia Day/ Invasion Day March, Perth)
It incorporates numerous different ideals which thread through most cultures and religions especially native or tribal based societies. Most members of the Shadoran Movement believe that the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsistence gave rise to social stratification, coercion, and alienation. The process of reversing this socialization is referred to in Shavox (the Shadoran conlang) as Rein Tavin (to re-introduce). This is a very personal journey which is aimed at eventually living a lifestyle which is closer to the original hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
Shadoran endeavor to create social change through non-violent terms and setting example as they believe the only person whom you have any control over is yourself. They try to avoid genetically modified produce or those which contain artificial additives, colors or flavorings. They believe that because these elements don’t belong to nature they shouldn’t enter their bodies. They live by the slogan ‘the wilderness is our future’They abide by the rule that simpler is better, quality not quantity. They have no cultural concept of the value of money and believe that the ability to give is more important then the need to receive. They draw their inspiration not only by tribal lifestyle but a booklet which is entitled Dair Shoron (The Introduction) – [www.dairshoron.20m.com]
Shadoran at times is referred to as ‘a way of life’ or ‘way of thinking’ and has very little, if any, religious element. It’s classed as a sub-culture because a member of the movement can remain belonging to a religion or culture.
Shadoran has a small but steady following with masses of ‘like minded people’ who share the same values. Their aim is to create a network of people who can support each other in their journeys of self discovery and development to live a life more in balance with nature.
Notable eco-warriors and warrior actions
* In 2006, an eco-warrior group who sabotaged heavily polluting terrainvehicles became known in Paris (France), calling themselves '
Les Dégonflés '
* Another well known British "eco-warrior" is Daniel Hooper, who is also known asSwampy .
*Chico Mendes andKen Saro-Wiwa are the most famous green activists in Brazil and Nigeria, respectively. They died a martyrs death, defending the planet.In popular culture
* In the TV-movie
Medicine Man (film) , Sean Connery uses eco-warriorism to defend the rainforest against a lumber company.* In the TV-movie
Erin Brockovich (film) , Erin Brockovich's takes on a fight against a polluting energy company calledPacific Gas and Electric Company * One of the best written books about the subject is "
Confessions of an Eco-Warrior " byDavid Foreman , co-founder ofEarth First! , a leading eco-warrior organisation.See also
Eco Warriors Flag External links
* [http://www.ecowarriorinasuit.com Eco Warrior in a Suit]
* [http://www.ecowarriorsflag.org EcoWarriorsFlag.org]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.