Librado Perez

Librado Perez

Librado Perez "(Feb. 12, 1924 - )" (nicknamed "Lee" or "Lito") is a retired Professional Welterweight Boxer. After serving a distinguished term of duty in the US Marine Corps. in WWII fighting in the Battle of Guadalcanal (As well as winning many Militarily sanctioned boxing matches), he entered the realm of professional boxing. During his boxing career he compiled a 22-1-0 record with 19 KO's. Although he never achieved commercial success due to an early retirement, he was a close friend and sparring partner of legendary boxer "Sugar" Ray Robinson. He later became a trainer at the Hollywood Gym for up and coming boxers as well as celebrities such as Robert Conrad. At one point he was a bodyguard for Sammy Davis Jr. and was approached by eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes for the same position.

As a trainer in the early 70's, Perez was training a few boxers, one of which was fighting in Bakerfield, CA at a tournament. After a controversial ending to the bout his fighter was featured in, an all-out brawl ensued and Perez found himself in the middle of the fray. He then proceeded to do the unthinkable and, literally, knocked out 15 men, some of which were boxers, others were much bigger than himself. As everyone around him lay on the ground barely conscious and most having been knocked out, Perez stood in the middle huffing and puffing, waiting for yet another challenger. Needless to say, nobody else took up the challenge, but many congratulations found Perez as he returned to his family.

He is now retired and lives in Pico Rivera, Ca.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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