- Air Passenger Duty
Air Passenger Duty (APD) is an
excise duty which is charged on the carriage of passengers flying from aUnited Kingdom airport on an aircraft that has an authorised take off weight of more than ten tonnes or more than twenty seats for passengers.Air Passenger Duty was controversially [cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6320197.stm |title=Air passengers react to tax hike |date=2007-02-01 |publisher=BBC] doubled [cite web |url=http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/pre_budget_report/prebud_pbr06/press_notices/prebud_pbr06_press02.cfm |title=2006 Pre-Budget Report: Income tax allowances, national insurance contributions, child and working tax credit, fuel duty and air passenger duty rates |date=2006-12-06 |publisher=HM Treasury] from
February 1 ,2007 , and the lower rate is to be extended to all the countries within theSingle European Sky . This table summarises the changes:Here, 'European destinations' includes countries in the
European Economic Area and certain other European countries.The Treasury forecast the 2007 rise will cut
carbon dioxide emissions by about 0.3 million tonnes a year by 2010-2011, and allgreenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 0.75 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year [cite web
url=http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/media/571/CF/pbr06_chapter7.pdf |title=Pre-Budget Report 2006, Chapter 7 |publisher=HM Treasury|format=PDF] , although that has been disputed [cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6311603.stm |title=Taxes 'fail to curb travel CO2' |date=2007-02-01 |publisher=BBC] .References
ee also
Ian Pearson External links
* HM Revenue & Customs Notice 550 [http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageExcise_InfoGuides&propertyType=document&id=HMCE_CL_000505 Air Passenger Duty]
*Ryanair accuses Brown of 'scalping' flyers [http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,1987155,00.html Guardian Unlimited]
*Air Passenger Duty could be scrapped [http://www.newsbusiness.co.uk/air-passenger-duty-could-be-scrapped/ News & Business]
*Petition to scrap the Air Passenger Duty [http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/AirTravelDuty/ 10 Downing Street e-Petitions]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.